Application Of Website-Based Men’s Fashion Purchase Application (Blibli Shionpri)
Aplikasi Rancang Bangun Pembelian Fashion Pria Berbasis Website (Blibli Shionpri)
The use of smartphone from year to year is getting more dan more enthusiasts and will continue to increase every
year, this is due to the increasingly rapid development of the times. The existence of social media features that are easy to access
and offered with their respective benefits and goals will centainly make it easier for users to communicate and find out updated
information, one of which is in conducting online buying and selling transactions. Fashion is one of the things that is widely
followed by its development, buying fashion online aims to make buying and selling transactions easily and comfortably without
any geographical constraints, saving energy, shortening time and being cheap, easy to find the desired item, and establishing
good cooperative relationships. Both between the seller and the buyer. However, there are several problems that are often
experienced by users of online buying and selling transaction services. This has a solution with a strong information and security
system in order to provide more satisfaction for users of online buying and selling services.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Aidin Fajar Shodiq Agusman, Cindy Taurusta

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