Design and Build an RPG Game "Drop the Dragon" as a Medium for Practicing Mathematics Using the Finite State Machine Method
Rancang Bangun Game RPG “Jatuhkan Naga” Sebagai Media Berlatih Matematika Menggunakan Metode Finite State Machine
Mathematics its one of the difficult subject to learned especially for a primary school children because they should be use the logical to understand the mathematics formula, that’s why the teacher must be a smart to use a right methods to teaching a mathematics and one of the right methods is can be used is a game media. Base on these problems, researches want to solve the problem with make a project research by making a desktop platform RPG Game used Unity3D application and using the FSM (Finite State Machine) methods, this game is designed and built by inserting a mathematics exam inside with the hope it can make a student easily to studies and learning mathematics with easily and happiness also interesting fiture in inside. The final result of this project is a RPG game by tittle “Jatuhkan naga” and can be used at computer platform.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Mochamad Eza Foriansyah Foriansyah, Cindy Taurusta

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