Implementation of Pertamax Shipping Safety as Reserve Fuel for Sending the Survey Boat Rinca to Kupang Implementasi Keselamatan Pelayaran Pertamax Sebagai Bahan Bakar Cadangan pada Pengiriman Kapal Survey Boat Rinca ke Kupang

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Amar Alfariqi
Ali Akbar


This research aims to find out that safety during shipping is one of the things that is prioritized when using sea transportation. It's not just land transportation that must be considered. However, if an individual wants to use a sea vehicle, shipping safety must also be taken into account. The purpose of this writing is to analyze the implementation of shipping safety in sending RINCA survey boats from the port of Perak Surabaya to Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara in supporting maritime security recommended by the K3 team of PT. Trisetia Cipta Persada. This article was written using qualitative methods. The data used is primary data and secondary data. The results of the research carried out are that attention must be paid to the use of surveyt boats and fuel safety during shipping. The variables used in the research include implementing safety when using a survey boat to support maritime security, including always being careful when driving, not smoking, paying attention to the safety of fuel packaging, ship maintenance, paying attention to the weather, and so on.


  • Importance of Shipping Safety: Priority in sea transportation.

  • Analysis of Shipping Safety Implementation: Focus on survey boat usage and fuel safety.

  • Key Variables in Research: Safe driving practices, fuel packaging, ship maintenance, weather awareness.

Keywords: Surveyboat, Fuel, Safety


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How to Cite
A. Alfariqi and A. Akbar, “Implementation of Pertamax Shipping Safety as Reserve Fuel for Sending the Survey Boat Rinca to Kupang”, PELS, vol. 7, pp. 581-585, Mar. 2024.
Mechanical Engineering


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