Analysis of the Causes of Turbine Power Efficiency Decreases

Analisis Penyebab Efisiensi Daya Turbin Menurun

  • Ricky Kurniawan Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
  • Ali Akbar Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
Keywords: Keywords – Electrical Energy:Steam turbine engine;Turbine Power Efficiency


Abstract. The steam turbine as the prime mover converts steam energy into kinetic energy and kinetic energy is further
converted into mechanical energy in the form of rotation of the shaft turbine. Turbines as generator drives so as to
produce electric power that can be used in various industrial fields. The energy required is large and the continuous
use of the turbine must operate with sufficient stability for a long time. Turbine efficiency will decrease due to several
factors such as errors during operation and duration of maintenance. Based on data obtained from PT. Synergy of
Gula Nusantara PG. Kremboong turbine power efficiency will decrease because there are several factors that cause
corrosion, erosion and wear and tear on turbine engine components. Steam for turbine drive produced by steam
boilers containing dirt or inappropriate water ph can cause scale on the turbine so that the turbine cannot rotate


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How to Cite
R. Kurniawan and A. Akbar, “Analysis of the Causes of Turbine Power Efficiency Decreases”, PELS, vol. 7, pp. 523-528, Mar. 2024.

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