Text Preprocessing on Emotional Tweets Case Study: Covid-19 Vaccine Rejection Text Preprocessing pada Tweet Emosi Studi Kasus : Penolakan Vaksin Covid-19

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Dewi Melisa Putri
Yulian Findawati


Emotion is a feeling, response, reaction to an event or event experienced by a person, can be expressed
verbally (spoken) or non-verbally (body language). In the digital world, more precisely text-based social media,
humans express their emotions by giving opinions through text / typing and there is a need for emotional analysis
related to what opinions are conveyed by that person. Therefore, to overcome the above problems, it is necessary to
classify to find out what type of emotion is conveyed in the text. Emotion classification is a technique to extract
information in the form of a person's response or opinion on an issue or event which is then grouped based on the
types of emotions. The opinions used will be taken from social media twitter. The types of emotion grouping are
divided into seven classes, namely anticipation, pleasure, trust, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. In this practical
work, the author has created a dictionary that contains key words for each aspect of emotion


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How to Cite
D. M. Putri and Y. Findawati, “Text Preprocessing on Emotional Tweets Case Study: Covid-19 Vaccine Rejection”, PELS, vol. 7, pp. 446-453, Mar. 2024.
Computer Science


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