Optimization of Digital Platforms as Part of SEO-Based Digital Marketing Strategy to Appear on Google Optimasi Platform Digital sebagai Bagian dari Strategi Digital Marketing Berbasis SEO untuk Muncul di Google

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Naufal Ariq Wijaya
Ade Eviyanti


This study aims to analyze the benefits of utilizing five digital platforms, namely Pinterest, ISSUU, Tumblr,
Flickr, and Carousell, to appear in Google search. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with data
collection techniques through observation, analysis, and documentation. The results of the study show that each
digital platform has different characteristics and functions in digital marketing. Digital platforms also have their
own advantages and disadvantages in increasing visibility and relevance in Google search. This study provides
recommendations for products or services that want to use digital platforms as part of their SEO-based digital
marketing strategy.


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How to Cite
N. A. Wijaya and Ade Eviyanti, “Optimization of Digital Platforms as Part of SEO-Based Digital Marketing Strategy to Appear on Google”, PELS, vol. 7, pp. 380-390, Mar. 2024.
Computer Science


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