Inventory Information System on Goods Stock in PT Berkatmas Mulia Guna Sistem Informasi Inventory Stok Barang Pada PT Berkatmas Mulia Guna

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Mochamad Yuse Waramitha


Stock Inventory Information System is a system used to enter inventory data for incoming and outgoing goods into the database, controlling inventory, and providing inventory information. So that there will be no errors in data input, data output, and report results based on the desired data. PT Berkatmas Mulia Guna is a company engaged in HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) contractors. Includes new installation of HVAC machines and systems, maintenance and repair of HVAC systems. PT Berkatmas Mulia Guna also includes manufacturing HVAC machines such as AHU, FCU, Exhaust Fan, Supply Fan and Heating. A lot of data changes and a long process of stock data collection from suppliers and customers in the process of processing inventory data, will result in inaccurate data obtained. In inventory data collection, recording of incoming and outgoing goods still uses a manual process with excel which can result in duplicate data or duplicate data for processing inventory data. Based on this problem, the authors conducted a study entitled "Inventory Information System Stock Goods at PT. Berkatmas Mulia Guna ”which aims to make it easier to handle the stock inventory process, data entry and exit, delivery of goods, so that the inventory process of goods is faster and more precise. This application system development method uses the waterfall method which consists of six stages. The stages are System Analysis and Design, software requirements analysis, system design, coding, system testing and maintenance. In making this application using a desktop-based website programming language for the Windows operating system, and using the MySql database.


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Mochamad Yuse Waramitha, “Inventory Information System on Goods Stock in PT Berkatmas Mulia Guna”, PELS, vol. 1, no. 1, Apr. 2021.
Computer Science


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