Information System For Making Vexel Art In Android-Based Photoshop

Sistem Informasi Pembuatan Vexel Art Di Photoshop Berbasis Android

  • Silvando Rengga Anarta
Keywords: author guidelines, Jurnal UMSIDA, article template


The purpose of this research is to make an android-based application that contains ways to make vexel art using Photoshop so that it makes it easier by using a mobile method and there is no need to search first on an internet browser. The method is by observing or observing in the social media group community and the surrounding community who admire or are interested in digital vexel art. The results of this information system run well according to the program and the tutorial is quite detailed and easy to understand. So according to the explanation above this application can provide a good tutorial.    


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How to Cite
S. Rengga Anarta, “Information System For Making Vexel Art In Android-Based Photoshop”, PELS, vol. 1, no. 1, Mar. 2021.