Sales Management System in Grocery Store Mobile Phone Based

Sistem Manajemen Penjualan di Toko Kelontong Berbasis Ponsel

  • Mohammad Fahrizal Ardiyansyah
  • Arief Senja Fitrani Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, Indonesia
Keywords: Grocery store, The E-KELONTONG Application


A grocery store is a small shop that is easily accessible to the public and is located on a busy street, gas station, train station or in a densely populated urban or residential area. Most of these types of shops are traditional in nature, where buyers cannot freely pick up their own goods, usually there is a dividing screen in the form of a window or shelf. If you pay attention, actually the goods sold in grocery stores are almost similar to those sold in supermarkets such as Alfamart or Indomart, it's just that the minimarkets are modern. People often refer to this shop as a grocery store. Among the many minimarkets and modern shops in Sidoarjo, it turns out that there is a grocery store whose building is still standing up to this day, namely An Nur Shop. This shop is located in Jambangan Candi Sumokali, Sumokali, Jambangan, Kec. Candi, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java 61271, Toko An Nur is a grocery store that was founded in 1990. An Nur shop has very many customers so that the stock of merchandise is often short, this makes An Nur shop troublesome in bringing in merchandise, so it requires sales of goods to arrive the merchandise sold. Based on the problems faced, through this research activity, the E-KELONTONG application is proposed. Through the E-KELONTONG application, it will be easier for An Nur Stores to bring in products through sales with the E-KELONTONG application.
The creation of this E-KELONTONG application uses a way of collecting data by retrieving data directly from an An nur grocery store, interviewing the store owner. The software used to build this E-GROCERY application is using Android Studio 3.5 and Xampp server.


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How to Cite
Mohammad Fahrizal Ardiyansyah and Arief Senja Fitrani, “Sales Management System in Grocery Store Mobile Phone Based”, PELS, vol. 1, no. 1, Mar. 2021.