Effect of Jetpump Throat Diameter and Secondary Discharge on Suction Pressure and Pump Efficiency Pengaruh Diameter Throat Jetpump Dan Debit Secondary Terhadap Tekanan Isap Dan Efisiensi Pompa

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Fatkhur Rohman
Eka Candra Wijaya


The throat diameter is one of the main parts of the jetpump, the throat diameter is a mixing chamber which has the function of mixing low-speed secondary fluids with high-speed primary fluids. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the throat jetpump diameter with a variation of 7,9,11 mm and secondary discharge with a variation of 10,15,20 L / minute on the suction pressure and pump efficiency. The highest test results were variations in the throat diameter of 11 mm and secondary discharge of 20 L / minute with a net discharge of 3.8 L / minute, an average discharge of 23.8 L / minute, a suction pressure of -0.25 and an efficiency value pump by 50%, the larger the throat diameter the greater the flow rate obtained.


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F. Rohman and E. C. Wijaya, “Effect of Jetpump Throat Diameter and Secondary Discharge on Suction Pressure and Pump Efficiency”, PELS, vol. 1, no. 1, Mar. 2021.
Mechanical Engineering


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