Procedia of Engineering and Life Science <p>Procedia of Engineering and Life Science is an output from the National Science and Technology Seminar held by the engineering faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo en-US Procedia of Engineering and Life Science 2807-2243 Implementation of Heaven Theme Study in the Spirit of Worship <p>Worship is a central aspect of religious life practiced by believers with the aim of drawing closer to the Creator and adhering to the teachings of their faith. In the journey of worship, the theme of paradise plays a significant role as a source of motivation and spiritual guidance. Paradise, viewed as the ultimate destination filled with eternal happiness, pleasure, and peace, holds importance across various religious beliefs. Implementing studies on the theme of paradise in the spirit of worship is relevant for deepening understanding, motivating, and enhancing the quality of believers' worship. This research employs a qualitative approach, combining literature analysis and field studies. The analysis reveals that understanding the concept of paradise significantly influences believers' worship spirit. The theme of paradise serves not only as a personal motivator but also reinforces religious values and shapes moral behavior and ethics within religious communities. Challenges in implementing studies on the theme of paradise include varying individual understandings and interpretations of religious texts.D iscussion highlights the need for harmonizing understanding of the concept of paradise, optimizing the implementation of paradise-themed studies in worship through religious education and community activities, strengthening religious values through religious education programs, and addressing challenges through open dialogue and contextual approaches. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of implementing studies on the theme of paradise in the spirit of worship and proposes steps for developing more meaningful and directed worship practices within the religious context.</p> khoiri khoiri Copyright (c) 2024 khoiri khoiri 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 7 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1603 Analysis of Process Failures in Plastic Product Manufacturing Using Blow Molding Machines <p>Abstract. The rapid advancement of technology, particularly in the plastics industry, is closely intertwined with the<br>development of machinery used in plastic production processes. Commonly used machines in plastic raw material<br>production include blow molding, injection molding, and extrusion. The production cycle time significantly affects<br>both the quality and quantity of production. While a faster production cycle may increase the quantity of output, it<br>does not necessarily guarantee an improvement in product quality. Hence, it is imperative for companies to identify<br>factors leading to production defects to plan controlled improvements. Product quality is a crucial consideration for<br>consumers when selecting products. PT. XYZ Pasuruan, a manufacturing company specializing in plastic packaging<br>processing, faces production issues involving defective products and the underlying factors causing them. This<br>results in time and cost losses due to the need to reproduce faulty products. Therefore, this research aims to develop<br>effective strategies for preventing and reducing production defects. Possible measures include improving production<br>processes, machinery, employee training, or changing raw material suppliers. By addressing the root causes of<br>these issues, the industry can enhance product quality, reduce production costs, and increase customer satisfaction..<br>Keywords - Blow Molding Machine; Product Failures; Product Quality</p> Muhammad Alriz Nur Aftian Ali Akbar Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Alriz Nur Aftian Muhammad Alriz Nur Aftian 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 7 232 238 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1452 Welding And Maintenance Factory Work Tools <p>Abstract. The welding process is widely used to join metals. However, there are still many welders who have not <br>mastered welding techniques that comply with the standards set by welding associations. This research was <br>conducted to find out how the welding process and maintenance of factory work tools works. Research begins by <br>identifying machine damage or factory equipment damage. Once the damage is known, repairs are then carried out <br>on the damaged machine. The results of research regarding welding and maintenance of factory work equipment <br>show that damaged factory equipment must receive regular inspection and maintenance. Factors that cause damage <br>to factory work equipment are human error, lack of diligent cleaning of industrial work tools, and can also be <br>caused by the age of industrial machines. <br>Keywords – Damage; Welding; Maintenance</p> <p><br>Abstrak. Proses pengelasan banyak digunakan untuk menyambung logam-logam. Akan tetapi tidak banyak juru las <br>yang belum menguasai teknik pengelasan sesuai standart yang ditetapkan oleh asosiasi pengelasan. Penelitian ini <br>dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses pengelasan dan perawatan alat-alat kerja pabrik. Penelitian diawali <br>dengan mengidentifikasi kerusakan pada mesin atau kerusakan alat-alat pabrik. Setelah diketahui kerusakannya, <br>selanjutnya dilakukan perbaikan pada mesin yang rusak. Hasil penelitian dari pengelasan dan perawatan alat kerja <br>pabrik menunjukkan bahwa alat pabrik yang sudah mengalami kerusakan harus mendapatkan pemeriksaan dan <br>perawatan secara rutin. Faktor penyebab kerusakan pada alat-alat kerja pabrik dikarenakan adanya human error <br>atau kesalahan manusia, kurang rajin membersihkan alat-alat kerja industri, dan juga bisa disebabkan karena usia <br>mesin industri sudah tua. <br>Kata Kunci – Kerusakan; Pengelasan; Perawatan</p> Muchamad Reysa Pahlewi Ali Akbar Copyright (c) 2024 Muchamad reysa pahlewi Muchamad reysa pahlewi 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 7 240 244 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1453 Analysis Of Shoe Product Quality Control At PT XYZ <p><em>PT XYZ is a company located in East Java, Indonesia. The company is engaged in manufacturing footwear such as shoes and sandals using the latest technology, namely injection molding. As a company engaged in the field of footwear, of course PT XYZ always prioritizes quality control to ensure the quality of products that have been produced by not neglecting quality control in every production process. The daily production capacity of PT XYZ using 7 machines is 2000 - 3000 pairs of shoes for each machine and, if 7 machines then the production that can be produced in 1 day can range from 15,000 - 21,000 pairs every day. With a very high production capacity PT XYZ still controls the quality of shoes using the six sigma method.</em></p> Miftah Arzaq M. Miftah Arzaq Rahmansyah Indah Apriliana Sari Wulandari Copyright (c) 2024 Miftah Arzaq, M. Miftah Arzaq Rahmansyah, Indah Apriliana Sari Wulandari 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 7 273 278 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1466 Analysis of Weld Joint Strength on Galvanized Material Using Rb-26 Electrode <p>Practical work is a form of education and vocational implementation that is followed by students so that students can work directly in the business world as well as industry or fabrication. Practical work aims to prepare students to become productive human beings and can immediately work in accordance with their respective fields, students can also feel the atmosphere of production and can help deal with some problems- problems experienced by Engineering professionals inside the factory. Therefore, in welding, knowledge must accompany practice, in more detail it can be said that the design of building construction and machines with welded joints, must also be planned about welding methods. This method of inspection, welding material, and type of weld to be used, based on the function of the building parts or machines designed. Based on the definition of DIN (Deutch Industrie Normen) Galvanized Welded Broken Products is the best way to assemble or connect constructions and products made from iron. This welding method is specifically performed for galvanized materials. The iron welding process requires special preparation and skills. Based on the results of fieldwork practices that have been carried out in CV. Sumber Agung Widodo, The process of making panel tables is carried out into several stages, namely the hollow iron cutting, 45-degree galvanized angle cutting, iron plate cutting, elbow iron cutting, splicing by welding, frame painting, and mounting a series of panels to the finished panel table. The materials used are hollow iron, iron plate, elbow iron, iron paint, wheels. The tools used are ac current welding machines, grinders and elbow rulers. Stage</p> M.Rizky Faisal Dermawan Wasiana Iswanto Iswanto Copyright (c) 2024 M.Rizky Faisal Dermawan Wasiana, Iswanto Iswanto 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 7 295 299 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1469 Conveyor Roll Manufacturing Conveyor Roll Manufacturing <p><em>Field work practice is a form of educational and vocational implementation that is participated in by students. Practical work aims to prepare students to become productive people and can work directly in their respective fields. Students can also experience the production atmosphere and can help deal with several problems experienced by professional engineering in factories. Conveyor systems can be said to be part of the equipment mechanics that transport materials from one place to another. This system is useful when goods need to be transported and moved from one place to another. Its existence makes the process easier, faster and more comfortable. In various industries, conveyors are very important. This system is designed to withstand heavy workloads and extreme weather conditions. The ability to adjust certain angles to help move materials. Design is divided into two, namely planning and conceptualizing. Planning this research focused on designing the conveyor for the can and plastic bottle waste sorting machine, then the consumer needs for the conveyor for the can and plastic bottle waste sorting machine were arranged as follows: a) The conveyor is easy to operate. b) Does not endanger the operator. c) Easy maintenance. d) Energy efficient conveyor from carrying out practical field work at CV. According to Agung Widodo's source, it can be concluded as follows: Industrial Automation or Industrial Automation is basically technology related to the application of mechanical, electronic and computer-based information systems to operate and control production.</em></p> Ion Sheren Dheril Herwanto Ali Akbar Copyright (c) 2024 Ion Sheren Dheril Herwanto, Ali Akbar 2024-03-14 2024-03-14 7 352 354 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1483 Extruder Component Repair on Extrusion Machine <p><em>Practical work is a form of educational and vocational organization that is participated in by students so that students can work directly in the world of business, industry or fabrication. Practical work aims to prepare students to become productive people and be able to work directly in their respective fields. Students can also experience the production atmosphere experienced by professional engineering in a factory. This research process requires several materials and equipment as equipment in the design process as well as several methods. data collection and problem formulation in the form of morphological design. The method for repairing the screw extruder is re-poking the screw thread area which was proposed by the customer technician who said that the screw thread area was starting to wear out so it needed to be rejuvenated. Maintenance Preventive Maintenance. Re-priming or rejuvenating the threaded part because the threaded part has started to wear out. For example, in scheduling, for screw components until now there has been no regular maintenance or replacement to overcome damage. After the time of re-positioning the screw enters the turning stage to smooth the surface before the unevenness of the re-positioning or CV. Sumber Agung Widodo is a company that has complete manufacturing equipment that can produce various kinds of spare parts from various kinds of production machines. Various problems that often occur have an impact on the ongoing production process. Some of the causes include not only material factors, but human resource factors also influence production quality.</em></p> Wiky Anjaya Arwiyono Prantasi Harmi Tjahjanti Copyright (c) 2024 Wiky Anjaya Arwiyono, Prantasi Harmi Tjahjanti 2024-03-14 2024-03-14 7 369 372 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1486 Polar Machine Maintenance <p>Polar Mohr machines are a well-known brand in the printing industry known for its quality paper cutting <br>machines and printing materials. The method used is descriptive research method focused on the problem. The <br>discussion of the polar mohr machine is starting from the position button, length button, reverse button, forward button, <br>reset button and start button. The results of the mohr polar machine are from the polar machine planning to PLC <br>assembly and installation. The conclusion of the polar machine is very helpful for smooth running in the industrial <br>world because it simplifies the process of cutting paper. One of the characteristics of the Polar Mohr machine is its <br>ability to make the cuts we want.<br>Keywords – polar mohr; paper machine panels; panel wiring</p> Surya Mahendra Akhmad Ahfas Copyright (c) 2024 Surya Mahendra, Akhmad Ahfas 2024-03-14 2024-03-14 7 432 437 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1498 Website of the Health Office of PPKB (Population Control, and Family Planning) of Mojokerto City <p><em>The use of information technology has become mandatory in the current digital era, followed by the increasingly widespread development of the internet, which has further strengthened the importance of a web- based system. In designing a website-based system, the Department of Health, Population Control and Family Planning creates a Health Information System, PPKB Program, or Population Statistics. With this system, it explains the importance of the PPKB Health Strategy, in information related to population in an interesting and easy to understand way, detailed information regarding available health services, the PPKB (Population Control and Family Planning) program, population policies, and the latest initiatives. Tools or Interactives that help users in planning a family or understanding population statistics. Responsive design that ensures the website can be accessed well on various devices, including mobile phones and tablets, and ensures accessibility for users with special needs such as health services, information, or adequate accessibility features such as clear actions for visitors to engage further, or such as register for the PPKB program, look for further health information or can join relevant events or campaigns. Integrate social media, video streaming or other latest technology to improve user order and distribute information more effectively. This website must be a valuable and reliable source of information for the residents of the city of Mojokerto, providing needed support in health, PPKB programs, and understanding population issues. The success of this website depends on its ease of use, relevance of content, and its ability to encourage positive actions from visitors.</em></p> Mochammad Daffa Khasifi Nashrullah Suprianto Suprianto Copyright (c) 2024 Mochammad Daffa Khasifi Nashrullah, Suprianto Suprianto 2024-03-14 2024-03-14 7 466 473 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1503 Diagnostic Insights for Optimal Avanza/Xenia AC Performance <p>This study investigates the AC system of Avanza/Xenia vehicles through diagnostic procedures aimed at identifying potential issues and ensuring adherence to maintenance standards. The air conditioning (AC) system in vehicles plays a pivotal role in ensuring driver and passenger comfort, necessitating regular monitoring and maintenance. Utilizing measuring tools such as compressors and multimeters, the main components including the magnetic clutch and evaporator were assessed. Results indicate that measured values, including magnetic clutch coil resistance (3.9 ohms), magnetic clutch gap (0.5 mm), and blower system resistance (ranging from 0 to 2.6 ohms), fall within acceptable service limits outlined in the Avanza/Xenia manual. Consequently, no repair procedures were deemed necessary, affirming the normal condition and suitability for use of the AC system. This research fills a knowledge gap by providing a systematic diagnostic approach for evaluating vehicle AC systems, offering implications for maintenance practices in ensuring optimal performance and longevity.</p> <p><strong>Highlights:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Routine maintenance prolongs AC system lifespan.</li> <li>Accurate diagnosis prevents potential issues.</li> <li>Component inspection ensures system health.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>PMCB, Vehicle Air Conditioning System, Maintenance, Repair, Troubleshooting</p> Indra Bhekti Utomo Copyright (c) 2024 Indra Bhekti Utomo 2024-03-15 2024-03-15 7 549 554 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1524 Leveraging Six Sigma for Enhanced Reliability in Heavy Equipment Operations <p>This study addresses the prevalent issue of mechanical failures in heavy equipment and dump trucks within a leading special steel production firm. Utilizing the Six Sigma methodology, the research conducted in August 2023 aimed to systematically design and implement corrective actions to improve maintenance processes. Preliminary results from the IRGA Department's interventions suggest a significant reduction in breakdown frequency and severity, indicating enhanced operational efficiency and reduced downtime. These findings highlight the potential of Six Sigma as an effective tool in optimizing industrial maintenance strategies, with implications for boosting productivity and sustainability in heavy industries globally.</p> <p><strong>Highlights:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Regular maintenance prevents costly damage.</li> <li>Six Sigma ensures systematic improvement.</li> <li>Vision: Leading in quality and environmental care.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Steel Bar Casting (billet), Flat Bar, Round Bar Production</p> A'rasy Fahruddin Moh. Faisal Araffi Copyright (c) 2024 A'rasy Fahruddin, Moh. Faisal Araffi 2024-03-18 2024-03-18 7 600 604 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1543 Development of ETS (E-Ticketing System) Module for Issue Management <p>This study proposes the integration of an Employee Tracking System (ETS) module within a logistics company's existing web application to streamline internal management processes. Focused on a one-month internship, the research aims to address the inefficiencies of conventional communication methods by facilitating real-time issue tracking and resolution. Through collaboration between academia and industry, the study explores the practical implementation of information technology solutions to enhance organizational communication and problem-solving. Results indicate improved communication efficiency and problem resolution within the organization, highlighting the potential of such systems to contribute to the evolution of information technology in the workplace.</p> <p><strong>Highlights :</strong></p> <ul data-sourcepos="5:1-6:62"> <li>Implementation of ETS module improves communication efficiency.</li> <li>Collaboration between academia and industry addresses practical challenges.</li> <li>Integration of technology enhances problem-solving within organizations.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Organizational Communication, Employee Tracking System, Information Technology, Logistics Industry, Collaboration</p> Muhammad Syamsuddin Uce Indahyanti Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Syamsuddin, Uce Indahyanti 2024-02-21 2024-02-21 7 55 61 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1586 Implementation of Three Dimensional Virtual Reality on Android Based At Tanwir Umsida Tower <p>In the current digital era, many technologies are being developed, one of which is virtual reality or VR technology,<br>VR can be used for various problems in the current era including the introduction of an item, building, etc. At the<br>University of Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (UMSIDA) itself, the 23 floor At-Tanwir Tower building will be built which<br>later have many facilities for educators, students or the community. Of course, an introduction to the current era is<br>needed, namely VR, with the creation of the Android based At-Tanwir VR Tower, it is hoped that it will be easy to<br>recognize the outdoor/indoor environment of the building and be able to introduce the building to the wider<br>community. Later, VR users can look around and explore outside and inside the building from the parking lot, grasses,<br>classrooms, auditorium, theater stage, cafeteria and the observatory room, all of which are three dimensional.</p> Putra Agung Novianto Rohman Dijaya Copyright (c) 2024 Putra Agung Novianto, Rohman Dijaya 2024-03-08 2024-03-08 7 174 183 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1193 Classification of Meme Sentiment Analysis On Sites To Use Support Vector Machine Algorithm <p>Meme is currently one of the media that is often used to convey a message or opinion on a topic that is currently hot <br>in the community, and is widely discussed on social media. Apart from being a means of humor, memes are also <br>commonly used as a medium to convey satire, even 'ridicule' to a party. This encourages curiosity to capture and <br>classify memes circulating on social media, including through public data available on the Kaggle. This study aims <br>to classify memes into three classes of sentiment, namely positive, neutral, and negative. In this case, the researcher <br>uses Support Vector Machine algorithm with Radial Basis Function kernel because it can produce the highest <br>accuracy compared to other kernels. The dataset downloaded through the Kaggle website is in the form of memes that <br>have been labeled and accompanied by Optical Character Recognition (OCR) results consisting of a total of 6,992 <br>meme data. By using Support Vector Machine algorithm, the classification results are obtained at 73.75% while using <br>Naïve Bayes algorithm to obtain an accuracy of 61.24%. This proves that the application of Support Vector Machine <br>algorithm in document classification is able to produce a fairly high accuracy when compared to the Naïve Bayes <br>algorithm</p> Dedy Rizaldi Ika Ratna Indra Astutik Mochamad Alfan Rosid Copyright (c) 2024 Dedy Rizaldi, Ika Ratna Indra Astutik, Mochamad Alfan Rosid 2024-03-08 2024-03-08 7 184 190 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1194 Hardware Asset Recording Information System Based on Web at PT. ABC <p>PT. ABC is an IT company that focuses on the design, development, and maintenance of LAN and WAN networks, network routers, and websites. The company has many assets in the form of computer network devices that need to be recorded meticulously. Currently, asset recording is still done manually using Google Spreadsheet, which is considered less effective and time-consuming. In the rapidly evolving digital era, the utilization of technology and information systems has become crucial. The proper use of information systems can enhance efficiency in managing asset data and facilitate information access. Therefore, PT. Smart Connect requires further improvement in its information system for asset recording and reporting. The goal is to expedite the asset recording process and provide more detailed reports, thereby increasing efficiency and productivity in company asset management.</p> Naufal Galfan Syah Arif Senja Fitrani Copyright (c) 2024 Naufal Galfan Syah, Arif Senja Fitrani 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 7 251 261 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1457 Auto Bayar App: Software Quality Assurance at PT. XY <p><em>Software Quality Assurance (SQA) plays a crucial role in the development of applications in startups like PT XY, which focuses on auto-pay applications. Startups like Auto Serba Digital often face challenges of limited time and resources, making SQA strategic in ensuring product quality and competitiveness in the market. SQA helps startups identify, prevent, and rectify software defects, reducing the risk of failure and enhancing customer satisfaction. In the context of auto-pay applications, SQA is key in securing critical payment transactions for business success, besides ensuring compliance with applicable security standards and regulations. Effectively integrating SQA into the software development lifecycle is a critical step in ensuring high-quality products and maintaining the company's reputation in a rapidly changing market. Therefore, high-quality software development with the assistance of SQA is the key to success for innovative startups like Auto Serba Digital. </em></p> Bryan Yuditya Prakasa Copyright (c) 2024 Bryan Yuditya Prakasa 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 7 262 272 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1463 SMKS X Sidoarjo Inventory: Website-Based Facility Information System <p><em>SMK X Sidoarjo is an educational institution that has received support from the Education Office as an Industrial Revolution 4.0 school. SMK X Sidoarjo needs to take advantage of technological advances. School infrastructure is very important for the process of education, monitoring and effective inventory management. Therefore, researchers built an information system "Inventory of Goods" that can be accessed via the internet for school infrastructure. This research method uses the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) waterfall model approach to build a web-based "Item Inventory" information system. SMK X Sidoarjo requires further information system improvements along with the development of institutions and the need for more sophisticated inventory management, so that input and storage are no longer carried out manually so that decision making can be done quickly and accurately. The program has achieved success by implementing a web-based "Item Inventory" Information System in schools. The result is that the implementation of this system has improved the efficiency, transparency, and effectiveness of overall inventory management.</em></p> Muchamad Firmansyah Tubira Suprianto Copyright (c) 2024 Muchamad Firmansyah Tubira, Suprianto 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 7 278 294 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1467 Enhancing KBIH Management Website System Design Study <p>KBIH Jabal Nur is an institution that operates in the field of managing prospective Hajj and Umrah pilgrims in groups. KBIH Jabal Nur is an institution under the auspices of PDM Sidoarjo. KBIH Jabal Nur was founded in 2011, currently the information system is still traditional or manual where promotions for Hajj and Umrah registration are spread through verbal communication. Therefore, the author took the initiative to create a web-based information system to make it easier for users or pilgrims to find more in-depth information about Hajj and Umrah registration. The system used by the author is SDLC or system development life cycle, this method is used in creating or developing information systems that aim to solve problems effectively. On this website there is the history of KBIH, management structure, promotion of guidance registration and also social media. Of course, this website was designed using the SDLC method or system development life cycle to make it easier to create an author's website.</p> <p><strong>Highlights :</strong></p> <ul> <li>KBIH Jabal Nur enhances Hajj and Umrah registration process.</li> <li>Web-based system developed using SDLC methodology.</li> <li>Website offers history, management, promotion, and social media integration.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords : </strong>KBIH Jabal Nur, web-based information system, SDLC methodology, pilgrimage registration, Hajj and Umrah.</p> Deva Martha Shella Metatia Intan Mauliana Copyright (c) 2024 Deva Martha Shella, Metatia Intan Mauliana 2024-03-14 2024-03-14 7 373 379 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1487 Optimization of Digital Platforms as Part of SEO-Based Digital Marketing Strategy to Appear on Google <p>This study aims to analyze the benefits of utilizing five digital platforms, namely Pinterest, ISSUU, Tumblr,<br>Flickr, and Carousell, to appear in Google search. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with data<br>collection techniques through observation, analysis, and documentation. The results of the study show that each<br>digital platform has different characteristics and functions in digital marketing. Digital platforms also have their<br>own advantages and disadvantages in increasing visibility and relevance in Google search. This study provides<br>recommendations for products or services that want to use digital platforms as part of their SEO-based digital<br>marketing strategy.</p> Naufal Ariq Wijaya Ade Eviyanti Copyright (c) 2024 Naufal Ariq Wijaya, Ade Eviyanti 2024-03-14 2024-03-14 7 380 390 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1490 Creating Product Profile Website For Jersey Online Figures <p><em>In the current digital era, websites have become an important means of promoting products to potential consumers. Online jersey figures are a product that is popular among sports fans. This product usually displays pictures or names of sports figures admired by fans. This research aims to develop a product profile website which is an important means of promoting products to potential consumers. A product profile website is a website that displays information about the products offered by a company. This website usually contains information about product specifications, prices, how to order, and other features. An effective product profile website can help companies increase product sales. This research also aims to prove that product profile websites are created using The waterfall method is suitable for creating websites with basic features because this method is easy to understand and apply. These elements can be text, images, videos and other elements. Which can be an effective means of promoting products. This evidence will be obtained by conducting research that measures the effectiveness of product profile websites in increasing product sales. The results of this research show that product profile websites created using the Waterfall method are more effective in attracting the attention of potential consumers and encouraging them to take action, such as buying a product.</em></p> Muhammad Rifaldi Rusminudi Cindy Taurusta Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Rifaldi Rusminudi, Cindy Taurusta 2024-03-14 2024-03-14 7 391 399 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1491 Text Preprocessing on Emotional Tweets Case Study: Covid-19 Vaccine Rejection <p>Emotion, both verbal and non-verbal, plays a crucial role in expressing opinions, especially in the digital realm of text-based social media. Emotion classification becomes essential for extracting and categorizing responses or opinions expressed by individuals on various issues or events. This study focuses on classifying emotions conveyed in text-based opinions extracted from Twitter. Utilizing a dictionary-based approach, the research aims to classify emotions into seven categories: anticipation, pleasure, trust, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. Through practical work, the author develops a dictionary comprising key words for each emotion aspect, facilitating accurate classification. The results contribute to enhancing understanding and analyzing emotional expressions in online discourse, offering valuable insights for sentiment analysis applications and social media monitoring tools.</p> <p><strong>Highlights :</strong></p> <ul> <li>Emotion classification crucial for understanding online opinions.</li> <li>Study focuses on categorizing emotions from Twitter text.</li> <li>Dictionary-based approach enhances accuracy in emotion classification.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords :</strong> Emotion classification, text-based social media, Twitter, dictionary-based approach, sentiment analysis.</p> Dewi Melisa Putri Yulian Findawati Copyright (c) 2024 Dewi Melisa Putri, Yulian Findawati 2024-03-14 2024-03-14 7 446 453 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1501 Electric Motor Maintenance <p>Electric motors play a vital role in industrial operations, and their protection from overloading is crucial for ensuring longevity, safety, and efficiency. This article explores the significance of motor overload protection devices in safeguarding motors from damage caused by overloading, which can lead to overheating and potential failure. It discusses the functioning of various protection devices, such as thermal, magnetic, and electronic overload relays, and emphasizes the importance of selecting the right device based on motor type, size, application, and environmental conditions. The article also highlights the role of regular maintenance and adherence to safety standards in ensuring the reliable and effective functioning of these protection systems. By implementing appropriate protection measures, companies can optimize energy use, increase operational efficiency, and reduce damage and production disruptions, thus contributing to the sustainability and safety of electric motors in industrial settings vulnerable to overloading.</p> <p><strong>Highlight :</strong></p> <ul class="list-outside list-decimal marker:font-mono marker:text-sm pl-11"> <li><span class="">Overload relays protect the motor, motor branch circuit, and motor branch circuit components from excessive heat from the overload condition</span></li> <li><span class="">Overload relays are part of the motor starter and protect the motor by monitoring the current flowing in the circuit</span></li> <li><span class="">The selection of an overload relay is important because repeated tripping and reset can reduce the mechanical life of the relay and may cause damage to the motor</span></li> </ul> <p><span class=""><strong>Keywords:</strong> electric motors, overload protection devices, thermal overload relays, magnetic overload relays, electronic overload relays, motor type.</span></p> Akbar Rayhan Hasfi Syamsudduha Syahrorini Copyright (c) 2024 Akbar Rayhan Hasfi, Syamsudduha Syahrorini 2024-02-20 2024-02-20 7 10 14 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1596 NH Fuse Maintenance for Low Voltage Network Protection <p>This study presents an analysis of NH replacement in the low voltage network, focusing on the XYZ region. NHs, integral safety devices within the distribution system, are subject to replacement when they exceed their useful life limit or incur damage. Through low voltage network analysis, this research identifies network conditions and potential interferences, facilitating targeted NH replacement to uphold network reliability. The study highlights the importance of NH replacement in minimizing disruptions and preventing NH damage, thereby enhancing overall network resilience.</p> <p><strong>Highlights :</strong></p> <ul class="list-outside list-decimal marker:font-mono marker:text-sm pl-11"> <li>NH replacement ensures safety and reliability: Regular replacement of NHs within the low voltage network minimizes potential disruptions and safeguards against electrical disturbances.</li> <li>Targeted replacement strategies: Utilizing network analysis, NH replacement is conducted based on factors such as useful life limit exceedance and damage, optimizing network performance.</li> <li>Enhanced network resilience: By mitigating potential disruptions and preventing NH damage, replacement initiatives contribute to the overall reliability and resilience of the low voltage network.</li> </ul> <p><span class=""><strong>Keywords:</strong> NH replacement, low voltage network, reliability, analysis, maintenance</span></p> Fikri Alam Firmansyah Izza Anshory Copyright (c) 2024 Fikri Alam Firmansyah, Izza Anshory 2024-02-22 2024-02-22 7 70 74 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1583 Ice Tube Maker Maintenance Services Reliable Solutions for Your Equipment <p>This study investigates the impact of maintenance on the performance and longevity of ice tube maker machines, crucial for cooling in regions like Indonesia with consistently high temperatures. Utilizing a methodical approach, the research focuses on selecting quality raw materials and monitoring ice cube production to determine maintenance intervals. Results highlight the significance of timely maintenance in sustaining machine efficiency and extending service life, ultimately ensuring consistent ice quality. Additionally, the study underscores the correlation between operational stability, electricity source reliability, and component workload. Findings emphasize the necessity of proper maintenance protocols to uphold machine functionality and productivity in challenging environments, offering implications for improved cooling technology worldwide.</p> <p><strong>Highlights :</strong></p> <ul> <li>Timely maintenance intervals crucial for machine longevity and efficiency.</li> <li>Quality raw material selection influences ice cube production and overall performance.</li> <li>Stable electricity sources vital for operational consistency and component workload management.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Ice Tube Maker, Maintenance Practices, Machine Performance, Cooling Technology, Operational Stability</p> Arief Tri Wicaksono Jamaluddin Copyright (c) 2024 Arief Tri Wicaksono, Jamaluddin 2024-02-22 2024-02-22 7 91 94 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1578 ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch) Transmission System as Power Supplier for Pahlawan Booster <p>This research aims to investigate the effectiveness of the Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) system in power transmission by observing and simulating its operation. The results show that the ATS system is highly effective in minimizing downtime during power outages by automatically switching to a backup power source. This discovery has important implications for the management of distributed power networks, particularly in improving responsiveness to power outages. However, the ATS system still has some shortcomings that need to be addressed to avoid potential impacts. Overall, this study highlights the importance of the ATS system in ensuring uninterrupted power supply and the need for further research to improve its performance.</p> <p><strong>Highlight :</strong></p> <ul class="list-outside list-decimal marker:font-mono marker:text-sm pl-11"> <li><span class="">The ATS system is highly effective in minimizing downtime during power outages.</span></li> <li><span class="">The ATS system has important implications for the management of distributed power networks.</span></li> <li><span class="">Further research is needed to improve the performance of the ATS system</span></li> </ul> <p><span class=""><strong>Keywords:</strong> Automatic Transfer Switch, Power Transmission, Downtime, Backup Power Source, Distributed Power Networks.</span></p> Nur Rachmad Arifin Yusuf Manggala Dinata Farid Setyo Pamungkas Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Rachmad Arifin, Yusuf Manggala Dinata, Farid Setyo Pamungkas 2024-02-22 2024-02-22 7 95 98 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1577 Capacitor Bank Panel Design to Improve Industrial Power System Efficiency and Safety <p><em>Industrial loads generally use control equipment and power electronics that use semiconductor materials that are very sensitive to voltage fluctuations. As reactive power compensation, industries usually use capacitor banks to increase power factor, reduce losses and increase line capacity. But it turns out that the use of capacitor banks also causes problems related to capacitor bank switching during the energizing process. During the energizing process, transient voltages and currents will be generated which can potentially damage control equipment, power electronic equipment, switching equipment and the capacitor bank itself. The Capacitor Bank panel assembly process involves the preparation of components such as MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker), MCCB (Molded Case Circuit Breaker), Capacitor Bank, and other components. After that, these components are carefully assembled according to the pre-prepared design. Next, the installation of the Capacitor Bank panel involves mounting the panel to the location according to the plan and connecting it to the building's main power system. Accurate wiring and meticulous testing are required to ensure that the panels function properly. Therefore, a good understanding of the assembly and installation process of Capacitor Bank panels is essential to ensure efficient, and safety.</em></p> Yogi Adhimanata Shazana Dhiya A Copyright (c) 2024 Yogi Adhimanata, Shazana Dhiya A 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 7 233 239 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1449 Assembly and Installation of SDP Lighting Panels <p>Electrical panels have an important role in distributing electrical energy and securing it. One type of <br>electrical panel that is often used is the SDP Panel (Sub Distribution Panel), especially in the context of lighting. This <br>article discusses the assembly and installation process of SDP Lighting Panels, which have a crucial role in <br>maintaining the availability, efficiency and safety of lighting systems. The SDP Panel assembly process involves <br>preparing components such as MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker), MCCB (Moulded Case Circuit Breaker), Fuse , <br>ELCB (Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker), and other components. After that, these components are carefully assembled <br>according to the previously prepared design. Next, SDP Panel installation involves installing the panels to a location <br>according to the plan and connecting them to the building's main power system. Accurate wiring and thorough testing <br>are necessary to ensure that the panels function properly. It is important to understand that SDP Lighting Panel <br>installations must comply with applicable electrical safety regulations and standards to avoid the risk of fire, electrical <br>disturbances or injury. Errors in the installation or assembly process can have a negative impact on the lighting <br>system and safety. Therefore, a good understanding of the SDP Lighting Panel assembly and installation process is <br>very important to ensure a reliable, efficient and safe lighting system</p> Rizky Habibur Rohman Izza Anshory Copyright (c) 2024 Rizky Habibur Rohman, Izza Anshory 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 7 217 222 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1447 Maintenance of Pole Mounted Circuit Breaker as Medium Voltage Network Protection at PT.XYZ <p><em>The increasing demand for electricity requires PT. XYZ to provide a sufficient, reliable, safe, high-quality, and efficient source of electrical energy. In serving customers, especially those in the Medium Voltage (MV) category, good protective equipment is needed. However, conventional protective equipment often tends to be large, requires ample land space, and installation is time-consuming. This research covers variables such as contact resistance measurement, PMT (Power Circuit Breaker) synchronism testing, and insulation resistance measurement. Using the Research and Development (R&amp;D) method, the results of maintenance on the 20 kV PMT at PMCB KPI P. Sidomulyo, Buduran Subdistrict, revealed that the contact resistance measurement values for phases R, S, and T were below 100 µΩ, indicating good contact resistance. PMT synchronism testing produced time difference values that were within the permissible standard limits. The time difference when opening (open) was 0.7 ms, while when closing (close), it was 1.05 ms. Insulation resistance measurements showed values that met the standards, which were above 20 MΩ. Based on the research results, PMCB KPI P. Sidomulyo, Buduran Subdistrict, can still be considered suitable for use. With good protective equipment and measurements that meet the standards, the use of 20 kV PMT can remain efficient and safe for consumers.</em></p> Faisal Faris Arief Wisaksono Copyright (c) 2024 Faisal Faris, Arief Wisaksono 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 7 245 250 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1456 Implementation of Ventilation Panel Installation <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><em>. Electrical panels are an important component in industry, which provides security to electrical installations in various industrial sectors. Large-scale companies dominate this industry to meet the high needs of consumers and maintain the quality and security of electrical installations. Electric panels must be installed carefully, pay attention to the surrounding environment, and play an important role in controlling ventilation to regulate the temperature and air conditions inside the cage. This research uses qualitative methods to understand the process of making ventilation panels. The results cover two types of panels: electric panels and ventilation panels. Electric panels serve as storage for electrical components, protect from the surrounding environment, and facilitate the operation of electrical machines. Meanwhile, ventilation panels are a crucial part of modern farm management, adjusting temperature and humidity to suit the needs of animals. The components in the ventilation panel involve various elements such as MCBs, TORs, contactors, relays, busbars, and others. The process of creating ventilation panels includes steps such as sketching pictures, making electrical panel boxes, assembling components, busbar assembly, wiring, as well as QA and QC stages to ensure panel quality. This process ends with finishing and packing before delivery to the consumer. This research provides an in-depth understanding of the manufacture of ventilation panels, which is essential for modern industry and agriculture inining optimal environmental conditions.</em></p> Ahmad Rifandi Arief Wisaksono Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Rifandi, Arief Wisaksono 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 7 310 315 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1474 Wiring Diagram For The Ventilation Panel <p><em>Wiring diagrams are an essential tool in the maintenance and repair of electrical systems, enabling quick identification of the source of the problem. Knowledge of electrical component symbols and their functions is important in reading wiring diagrams. Ventilation systems play a crucial role in closed environments such as chicken coops, maintaining air circulation and appropriate temperatures. Settings can be made automatically via the climate controller and control panel. Therefore, a basic understanding of the use of these devices is important for breeders. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with data collection in the field, especially at CV. Bintang Pratama Teknik, to study ventilation panels from wiring drawing in AutoCAD to assembly. The research results include an understanding of components such as electrical panels, AutoCAD, MCB, TOR, contractors, busbars, duct cables, and terminals. Drawing components using AutoCAD allows a better understanding of their design and functionality.</em></p> Achmad Fatchur Rochman Arief Wisaksono Copyright (c) 2024 Achmad Fatchur Rochman, Arief Wisaksono 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 7 316 320 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1475 Goss Community Offset Machine Wiring Panel Image (Paper) <p>Abstract. Review control activities, especially reducing the quality of printouts on Goss Community offset machines, <br>are one of the quality control parameters carried out by each company. The Goss Community offset machine panel <br>itself is usually equipped with various buttons, settings and monitors that allow the operator to control various print <br>parameters, such as print speed, starting and stopping the machine, and so on. In this article we discuss the <br>understanding of the components of the Goss Community offset machine panel and drawing the wiring panel of the <br>Goss Community offset machine itself. The process of drawing the offset machine panel wiring is done by drawing the <br>monitor panel and drawing the wiring from the PWM control, to study the offset panel. from drawing wiring in <br>AutoCAD to assembly. And understanding of components such as MCB, contractor, power supply, relay, pwm, plc, <br>scr, diode, busbar. Drawing components using AutoCAD allows a better understanding of their design and <br>functionality.<br>Keywords - Quality, Parameters, wiring drawing, components Web Offset Goss Community</p> Andriyan Herqi Rossoleh Arief Wisaksono Copyright (c) 2024 Andriyan Herqi Rossoleh, Arief Wisaksono 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 7 321 334 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1476 Testing of The Insulation Resistance and Turns Test Ratio (TTR) of The Distribution Transformers at PT. XYZ <p><em> Electricity plays a vital role in human life and the economic growth of Indonesia. Therefore, a reliable electrical transmission and distribution system is essential. Transformers, especially in an industrial context, play a key role in power supply. Transformer maintenance is a critical step in maintaining a stable flow of electricity. This study adopts the Research and Development (R&amp;D) method and focuses on measuring insulation resistance and voltage ratios in the context of transformer maintenance. The research was conducted at the Pole Transformer Substation (GTT) in P. Melati, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java, starting in August 2023. The research variables involve measuring the insulation resistance referring to IEC standards and measuring the voltage ratio to ensure proper transformer performance. The test results indicate that the insulation resistance in the transformer, both on the primary and secondary sides, meets the standards, demonstrating that the transformer functions well and safely. Voltage ratio measurements closely approximate theoretical calculations and fall within a tolerance of ± 0.5%. This study underscores the importance of transformer maintenance in maintaining a stable flow of electricity. Proper maintenance will prevent disruptions that can be detrimental, such as current leakage or short circuits. With good maintenance, the continuity of a reliable and safe electricity distribution service for consumers can be ensured. &nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong>Highlights : </strong></p> <ul> <li>Reliable electrical transmission is crucial for Indonesia's economic growth.</li> <li>R&amp;D method used to measure insulation resistance and voltage ratios in transformer maintenance.</li> <li>Test results confirm proper transformer function and emphasize the importance of maintenance for stable electricity supply.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords :</strong> Distribution Transformers;&nbsp; electrical energy, transformer, maintenance, insulation resistance, voltage ratio, Pole Transformer Substation.</p> Muhammad Shofiyuddin Arief Wisaksono Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Shofiyuddin, Arief Wisaksono 2024-03-14 2024-03-14 7 339 344 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1478 Sub Distribution Panel’s Design Rancangan SubDistribution Panel <p><em>Electrical panels play an important role as the center of electrical energy distribution, functioning to regulate the flow of electricity in a building. This distribution process requires something that can secure and divide the amount of power flowing, therefore the SDP (Sub Distribution Panel) panel is needed. This panel contains several components that are assembled into one unit so that it can function properly. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method that focuses on problems based on facts carried out by means of observation or observation, interviews, and studying documents. If all the techniques in this method are performed successfully, the accurate percentage of this research is 98%. This research produces a description of the process of making SDP panels from start to finish. This research resulted that the SDP panel has several functions, namely collecting and forwarding power to each load in each branch as needed, connecting and disconnecting the power distribution circuit and the safety of the power distribution system control.</em></p> Dikas Pandu Nanggala Akhmad Ahfas Copyright (c) 2024 Dikas Pandu Nanggala, Akhmad Ahfas 2024-03-14 2024-03-14 7 355 361 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1484 Streamlining Electrical Distribution Using LVMDP Panels in Indonesia <p>This study investigates the efficiency of load balancing in Low Voltage Main Distribution Panels (LVMDP) through an industrial internship program for Electrical Engineering students. Utilizing a descriptive methodology with observation-based data collection, the research highlights the distribution of power across R-S-T phases—12,944.00 W, 12,912.00 W, and 13,032.00 W, respectively—demonstrating a nearly balanced load. The findings suggest that practical training can significantly enhance understanding and management of electrical panels, offering crucial insights into improving electrical distribution systems globally.</p> <p><strong>Highlights:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Hands-on Training: Students gain practical experience in electrical panel manufacturing, enhancing their skills and understanding of real-world applications.</li> <li>Critical Infrastructure: LVMDP panels play a crucial role in ensuring efficient and safe electricity distribution within buildings, emphasizing the importance of their construction and maintenance.</li> <li>Data-Driven Analysis: The descriptive method and observational data collection provide insights into power needs and load sharing, facilitating informed decision-making for electrical system optimization.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Panel, LVMDP, Planning</p> Achmad Arif Dwi Agus Hayatal Falah Copyright (c) 2024 Achmad Arif Dwi, Agus Hayatal Falah 2024-03-17 2024-03-17 7 586 591 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1534 Optimizing Power Grid Stability with Enhanced Circuit Breaker Maintenance <p>This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of maintenance techniques on 20 kV Power Circuit Breakers (PMTs) using the Research and Development (R&amp;D) method. Key performance variables assessed included contact resistance, PMT synchronism, and insulation resistance. Findings revealed that contact resistance for all phases was below 100 µΩ, indicating optimal connectivity. Synchronism testing showed time differences of 0.7 ms during opening and 1.05 ms during closing, both within acceptable limits. Furthermore, insulation resistance exceeded the 20 MΩ standard, confirming the insulation's integrity. These results suggest that regular maintenance using precise measurement techniques ensures the continued reliability and safety of MV electrical delivery systems.</p> <p><strong>Highlights:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Rising Electricity Demand: PT PLN (Persero) faces increasing electricity needs.</li> <li>Advanced Protection Solutions: Innovative equipment addresses conventional limitations.</li> <li>Research Insights: Findings ensure safety and reliability in medium voltage systems.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Contact Resistance, Insulation Resistance, PMCB,&nbsp;Synchronism Testing</p> Chandra Darmawan Dwi Cahyo Shazana Dhiya Ayuni Copyright (c) 2024 Chandra Darmawan Dwi Cahyo, Shazana Dhiya Ayuni 2024-03-18 2024-03-18 7 614 619 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1556 Pioneering Maintenance Strategies for Enhanced Reliability of Low Voltage Switchboards <p>This study highlights the critical need for rigorous maintenance protocols, focusing on routine inspections, preventative measures, and timely corrective actions. Low voltage switch panels (PHB-TR) are vital for ensuring the efficiency and reliability of electricity distribution systems. Through systematic analysis of existing maintenance procedures and field evaluations across diverse setups, the research confirms that structured maintenance not only mitigates the risk of failures but also significantly reduces workplace accidents. The findings advocate for strict adherence to standard operating procedures and improved coordination among technicians, suggesting these strategies as global standards for enhancing the safety and functionality of electrical distribution networks.</p> <p><strong>Highlights:&nbsp;</strong></p> <ul> <li>Proper maintenance ensures optimal performance and reduces the risk of system failure.</li> <li>Adherence to applicable SOPs is crucial to prevent work accidents.</li> <li>Coordination and adherence to job distribution streamline work execution.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: PHB-TR Maintenance, Split Switch Panel Maintenance, Low Voltage Split Switch Board</p> Moh. Nurus Shobah Izza Anshory Copyright (c) 2024 Moh. Nurus Shobah, Izza Anshory 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 7 644 650 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1531 Preventive Maintenance as a Key to Reliable Power Distribution in Indonesia <p>This study investigates the frequent disturbances in a 20 kV Medium Voltage Overhead Line (SUTM) distribution network, identifying both internal channel issues and external disruptions such as natural events and wildlife interference as primary factors. The research evaluates the effectiveness of Right Of Way (ROW) maintenance, a preventive strategy involving tree trimming, pole realigning, and component replacement. Results demonstrate that ROW maintenance significantly boosts network reliability and effectiveness, suggesting that systematic preventive maintenance is crucial for improving power distribution resilience globally.</p> <p><strong>Highlights:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Swift disruption resolution: Prompt response is vital for network reliability.</li> <li>Internal and external factors: Disturbances arise from channel issues and external elements.</li> <li>Preventive maintenance: ROW approach enhances network efficiency, tackling various issues.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Distribution Network Disruption, ROW Maintenance, Medium Voltage Air Line Maintenance</p> Yuswono Hariswanda Izza Anshory Copyright (c) 2024 Yuswono Hariswanda, Izza Anshory 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 7 658 664 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1536 Maximizing Network Stability with Automatic Transfer Switch Systems <p>This study examines the functionality and effectiveness of Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) systems in maintaining power continuity in distributed networks. By employing observational and simulation methodologies, we assessed the operational dynamics of ATS systems when primary power sources fail. The results indicate that ATS systems significantly minimize electricity downtime through swift transitions to backup power, thereby enhancing system reliability. Despite the advantages, certain limitations were identified that could potentially impact system performance if not addressed. These findings have crucial implications for the management of distributed power networks, suggesting improvements in responsiveness to power interruptions and reduction in operational disruptions.</p> <p><strong>Highlights:</strong></p> <ul> <li> <p>Seamless Power Switching: ATS guarantees uninterrupted power by swiftly transitioning to backup during outages.</p> </li> <li> <p>Resilient Network: Research underscores ATS effectiveness in minimizing downtime, crucial for robust power distribution.</p> </li> <li> <p>Addressing Limitations: Despite benefits, vigilance is needed to mitigate potential shortcomings for sustained system reliability.</p> </li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch), Power Supply System, Backup Power</p> Dwi Hadidjaja Farid Setyo Pamungkas Copyright (c) 2024 Dwi Hadidjaja, Farid Setyo Pamungkas 2024-03-20 2024-03-20 7 685 690 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1552 Chicken Sausage Production Process at PT. X <p>This study investigated the chicken sausage production process and explored problem-solving strategies using fishbone diagrams. The analysis identified key stages, including raw material preparation, grinding, mixing, molding, cooking, cooling, cutting, and packaging. Fishbone diagrams were employed to systematically dissect process issues, revealing root causes related to personnel, methods, machines, materials, and environment. The findings highlight the effectiveness of fishbone diagrams for identifying and addressing production bottlenecks, paving the way for optimized efficiency and quality control in sausage manufacturing.</p> <p><strong>Highlights :</strong></p> <ul data-sourcepos="3:1-4:2"> <li data-sourcepos="3:1-3:150">Process breakdown:&nbsp;The study identified key stages in chicken sausage production (preparation,&nbsp;grinding,&nbsp;mixing,&nbsp;etc.) using fishbone diagrams.</li> <li data-sourcepos="4:1-4:2">Root cause analysis:&nbsp;Fishbone diagrams helped pinpoint root causes of process issues across various factors (personnel,&nbsp;methods,&nbsp;machines,&nbsp;etc.).</li> <li data-sourcepos="5:1-5:184">Quality improvement:&nbsp;The findings suggest fishbone diagrams as an effective tool for identifying and addressing bottlenecks,&nbsp;leading to optimized efficiency and quality control.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> chicken sausage, production process, fishbone diagrams, problem-solving, quality control</p> Irma Kiranti Lukman Hudi Rifky Pradiko Copyright (c) 2024 Irma Kiranti, Lukman Hudi, Rifky Pradiko 2024-02-20 2024-02-20 7 75 81 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1494 Ensuring Quality and Safety in Chicken Slaughterhouse Practices through Microbiological Evaluation <p>This study investigates the microbiological quality of chicken meat produced at a slaughterhouse, focusing on total plate count (TPC), Escherichia coli, Coliform, Staphylococcus aureus, and Salmonella sp. In the food industry, the slaughter of animals necessitates adherence to strict technical and hygienic standards to ensure product quality and safety. A knowledge gap exists regarding the correlation between slaughterhouse practices and microbial contamination levels in meat products. The aim of this research is to assess the microbial concentration in chicken meat and evaluate the effectiveness of sanitation procedures implemented during production. Through microbiological testing conducted at the slaughterhouse laboratory, it was found that the microbial concentrations in the sampled chicken meat were within acceptable limits according to national regulations. These results underscore the importance of stringent cleanliness and sanitation protocols in slaughterhouse operations to ensure the production of high-quality and safe meat products.</p> <p><strong>Highlights:<br></strong></p> <ul> <li>Quality Control: Ensures adherence to standards for safe food production.</li> <li>Sanitation Priority: Strict cleanliness maintains product quality.</li> <li>Microbiological Testing: Results within acceptable limits assure good product quality.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Broiler Chicken, Product Quality, Microbiological Test</p> Eka Sabela Rima Azara Pramitha Wahyu Oktarina Copyright (c) 2024 Eka Sabela, Rima Azara, Pramitha Wahyu Oktarina 2024-03-15 2024-03-15 7 540 548 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1523 Advanced Refinement Techniques for Optimal Sugar Crystal Production <p>This study investigates the transformation of sap into crystal sugar, emphasizing the enhancement of sugar quality through meticulous purification processes. The methodology involved a sequential observation of various production stages: milling, refining, evaporation, cooking, and finishing, each integrated with a quality assurance analysis to maintain high product standards. Critical parameters such as Brix, pol, temperature, pH, color balance, phosphate, sulfur content, and turbidity were rigorously monitored. Findings indicate that strategic control of these parameters at the purification stage significantly reduces impurities, thus ensuring the consistency and quality of the final crystal sugar product. The implications of this study suggest that systematic quality controls and precise parameter management may lead to improvements in sugar refinement processes, with potential applications in similar manufacturing environments globally.</p> <p><strong>Highlights:</strong></p> <ul> <li> <p>Quality assurance: Regular analysis of sap quality ensures consistent production standards.</p> </li> <li> <p>Purification stage: Vital parameters such as Brix, pH, and color balance are monitored for impurity removal.</p> </li> <li> <p>Product quality: Maintenance and adjustments based on analysis ensure high-quality crystal sugar output.</p> </li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Crystal Sugar, Cane, Crystallization</p> Shiva Haiqa Arman Lukman Hudi Rahmaniah Akhairunnisa Copyright (c) 2024 Shiva Haiqa Arman, Lukman Hudi , Rahmaniah Akhairunnisa 2024-03-18 2024-03-18 7 609 613 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1551 Strategic Oversight and Quality Validation in Spice Production Enhancement <p>This study examines the effectiveness of a comprehensive control management and quality control system in the seasoning production process, focusing specifically on a menu-specific seasoning variant (MSS). The methodology encompassed various stages including material acceptance, sieving, mixing, and final packaging, integrated with stringent control measures such as equipment and facility cleaning, material separation, and machine maintenance. Quality control tests conducted included sodium chloride content, pH analysis, seal strength, and bubble tests. Results indicate that these systematic processes significantly enhance product quality by ensuring compliance with predefined quality standards. The implications of this study suggest that rigorous process oversight and detailed quality assessments can markedly improve the reliability and safety of food seasoning products, providing a framework for industry-wide best practices.</p> <p><strong>Highlights:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Process Management: Systematic control measures, including equipment and facility cleaning, ensure a contamination-free production environment.</li> <li>Quality Control: Rigorous testing, including sodium chloride content and pH analysis, guarantees that the products meet established quality and safety standards.</li> <li>Product Compliance: Implementation of advanced control and quality assurance protocols ensures that products consistently comply with industry standards.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Instant Seasoning, Quality Control, Safety Standards<strong><br></strong></p> Wiji Amelia Miranda Lukman Hudi Saiful Anwar Copyright (c) 2024 Wiji Amelia Miranda, Lukman Hudi, Saiful Anwar 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 7 677 684 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1546 Revolutionizing Fish Tofu Production - Innovations and Quality Insights <p><em>This study investigates the production process of fish tofu, focusing on its use of surimi combined with other ingredients. Through a field internship conducted from September 1 to September 30, 2023, employing observation, interviews, fieldwork, and literature review, the production stages were observed and analyzed. The research aimed to assess whether the process adhered to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards. Results indicate that the production sequence, including surimi preparation, mixing, molding, boiling, cooling, cutting, frying, freezing, packaging, and storage, aligns with GMP requirements, ensuring product quality and safety. This study fills a gap in understanding fish tofu production processes and provides insights for industry practitioners and researchers aiming to enhance food manufacturing practices and quality control.</em></p> Danya Mozza Elshiva Rima Azara Cakra Laksana Copyright (c) 2024 Danya Mozza Elshiva, Rima Azara, Cakra Laksana 2024-03-20 2024-03-20 7 487 493 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1511 Contamination Alert: Microbial and Heavy Metal Levels in Green Vegetables <p>This study investigated microbial and heavy metal contamination in leeks, a staple green vegetable, focusing on seasonal variations and contamination sources. One hundred leek samples were analyzed for Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, and heavy metals such as zinc, copper, and lead. Findings indicated contamination was higher in district areas compared to city centers, with the highest concentrations of zinc reaching 28.41 ppm during the summer. Results highlight the urgent need for improved contamination prevention measures and increased health awareness to ensure vegetable safety.</p> <p><strong>Highlights:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Higher District Contamination: Microbial levels were notably higher in district areas compared to city centers.</li> <li>Seasonal Metal Peaks: Zinc concentration spiked during the summer, reflecting seasonal impacts on heavy metal levels.</li> <li>Urgent Safety Measures: The results call for urgent improvements in contamination prevention and public health education.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Vegetable Safety, Microbial Contamination, Heavy Metals, Seasonal Variation, Public Health Awareness</p> Naqaa K. Ali Copyright (c) 2024 Naqaa K. Ali 2024-04-18 2024-04-18 7 708 716 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1623 RAPD Markers Distinguish Ground Beetle Species Using Genetic Polymorphism <p>This study focuses on differentiating between two ground beetle species, Oryctes rhinoceros and Allomyrina dichotoma, using RAPD markers due to the limitations of phenotypic methods. Ten RAPD primers were employed to identify polymorphic markers. Results showed a total of 41 polymorphic bands, with primers OP-C06 and OP-C15 displaying significant variation in polymorphism percentages, 100% and 16.7% respectively. Primer OP-A08 demonstrated the highest efficiency rate (17.07%) and effectively distinguished between the two beetle species, unlike primers OP-B09, OP-B14, and OP-C10, which showed zero polymorphism. This study underscores the utility of RAPD markers, particularly OP-A08, in accurately identifying insect species, thereby advancing genetic classification techniques.</p> <p><strong>Highlights:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Effective Distinction: OP-A08 distinguished <em>Oryctes rhinoceros</em> and <em>Allomyrina dichotoma</em>.</li> <li>High Efficiency: OP-A08 had the highest efficiency rate at 17.07%.</li> <li>Reliable Classification: RAPD markers outperform phenotypic methods for insect identification.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>RAPD Markers, Genetic Polymorphism, Ground Beetles, Insect Classification, Molecular Genetics</p> Ashwak T. Humadi Ammar Ahmed Sultan Shifaa Walee Khaled Copyright (c) 2024 Ashwak T. Humadi, Ammar Ahmed Sultan, Shifaa Walee Khaled 2024-05-27 2024-05-27 7 717 729 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1629 Re-Layout Gudang Cat Jadi Menggunakan Metode Slp dan Shared Storage Untuk Meminimalkan Ongkos Material Handling <p>-</p> Riqi Hidayatulloh Atikha Sidhi Cahyana Copyright (c) 2024 Riqi Hidayatulloh, Atikha Sidhi Cahyana 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 7 198 206 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1440 Applying AHP for Assessing Zenbo Division Production Employee Performance <p>This research proposes an employee assessment system utilizing the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to evaluate productivity levels. The absence of such a system poses challenges in gauging employee performance and its impact on company productivity. Through AHP, this study aims to provide decision support for performance evaluation, thereby maintaining high productivity levels. Results indicate significant shifts in employee rankings, highlighting the effectiveness of the proposed methodology in identifying and enhancing productivity. This research contributes to the discourse on employee performance assessment, offering practical implications for decision-makers aiming to optimize workforce productivity.</p> <p><strong>Highlights :</strong></p> <ul class="list-outside list-decimal marker:font-mono marker:text-sm pl-11"> <li>Enhanced decision-making: The utilization of AHP provides a structured approach for evaluating employee performance, facilitating informed decision-making processes.</li> <li>Improved productivity rankings: Implementation of the assessment system results in notable shifts in employee rankings, indicating its effectiveness in identifying high-performing individuals.</li> <li>Practical implications: Findings offer valuable insights for organizations seeking to optimize workforce productivity through systematic performance evaluation methodologies.</li> </ul> <p><span class=""><strong>Keywords:</strong> Employee productivity, Assessment system, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Decision support, Workforce optimization</span></p> Doni Prasetyo Inggit Marodiyah Copyright (c) 2024 Doni Prasetyo, Inggit Marodiyah 2024-02-20 2024-02-20 7 15 20 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1594 Optimizing Maintenance Efficiency with OEE Method <p>This study investigates the effectiveness of roving machines in a production environment by employing the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) methodology. High downtime of the roving machine significantly hampers production processes, leading to reduced machine performance and speed, resulting in suboptimal OEE values. Through OEE calculations, a value of 66.92% was obtained, highlighting considerable room for improvement towards achieving world-class standards. The findings underscore the necessity for targeted enhancements to mitigate machine downtime, thereby enhancing overall production efficiency and competitiveness in the manufacturing sector.</p> <p><strong>Highlights :</strong></p> <ul class="list-outside list-decimal marker:font-mono marker:text-sm pl-11"> <li>Efficient utilization of roving machines through OEE optimization is crucial for enhancing production performance.</li> <li>High downtime of roving machines significantly impedes production processes, leading to decreased efficiency and competitiveness.</li> <li>Addressing downtime issues can lead to substantial improvements in overall production efficiency, aligning operations with global standards.</li> </ul> <p><span class=""><strong>Keywords: </strong>Roving machine, Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), Production efficiency, Downtime reduction, Manufacturing competitiveness</span></p> Alfien Ramadhan Syach Putera Inggit Marodiyah Copyright (c) 2024 Alfien Ramadhan Syach Putera; Inggit Marodiyah 2024-02-20 2024-02-20 7 21 26 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1593 Apllication Of The Moving Average Forecasting Method In Masonry Concrete Sales <p>This study aims to create a concrete sales forecasting system using the moving average method to predict sales for the next month in order to determine the amount of production that must be supplied in the next period. The study uses the moving average method which is widely used and has accuracy in forecasting. The results obtained mean error of 32630.95, MAD of 224532, MSE of 80977550000, standard error of 318154, Mape of 12.621% and average forecast of 1960074.0. The study implies that the moving average method is an effective tool for sales forecasting and can be used to make informed decisions about production planning and estimating future growth</p> <p><strong>Highlight&nbsp;:</strong></p> <ul class="list-outside list-decimal marker:font-mono marker:text-sm pl-11"> <li><span class="">The study aims to create a concrete sales forecasting system using the moving average method.</span></li> <li><span class="">The moving average method is an effective tool for sales forecasting and can be used to make informed decisions about production planning and estimating future growth.</span></li> <li><span class="">The study provides statistical measures such as mean error, MAD, MSE, standard error, and MAPE to evaluate the accuracy of the moving average method.</span></li> </ul> <p><span class=""><strong>Keywords:</strong> Sales forecasting, Moving average method, Production planning, Accuracy, Informed decisions.</span></p> Mochammad Romi Boy Isma Putra Copyright (c) 2024 Mochammad Romi, Boy Isma Putra 2024-02-20 2024-02-20 7 27 31 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1591 Accu Scrap Raw Material Inventorycontrol Using the Min- Max Method <p>This research investigates the efficacy of implementing the Min-Max method to enhance inventory control performance in a manufacturing setting converting ACCU scrap into tin metal. Focused on two product types, bullion, and ingots, the study aims to optimize inventory policies by determining safety stock, minimum and maximum stock levels, order quantities, and reorder points to mitigate stockouts and overstocks. Results demonstrate a significant improvement, with the Min-Max method enabling a 33% increase in raw material control effectiveness compared to previous methods. This research underscores the potential for the Min-Max approach to provide practical solutions for inventory management challenges in manufacturing, offering valuable insights for industry practitioners and researchers alike.</p> <p><strong>Highlight&nbsp;:</strong></p> <ul class="list-outside list-decimal marker:font-mono marker:text-sm pl-11"> <li><span class="">The Min-Max method improved inventory management effectiveness by 33%.</span></li> <li><span class="">This approach facilitated the determination of safe stock levels, minimal order quantities, and reorder points.</span></li> <li><span class="">Manufacturers experienced reduced operating expenses while maintaining competitive edge and responsiveness to market dynamics.</span></li> </ul> <p><span class=""><strong>Keywords:</strong> Accu scrap processing, Min-Max method, inventory control, supply chain optimization, resource allocation</span></p> Muhammad Nur Faizin Ribangun Bamban Jakaria Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Nur Faizin, Ribangun Bamban Jakaria 2024-02-21 2024-02-21 7 32 36 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1590 Quality Control Analysis Using the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Method <p>This study aims to identify critical factors contributing to defects in Epodion rh-Erythropoietin Alfa syringes and propose strategies to minimize production flaws. Through Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA), the research identified cracking as the predominant defect, accounting for 43 out of 62 observed syringe flaws in a production batch of 162,332 units. The Risk Priority Number (RPN) calculation yielded a score of 162, indicating material-related issues as the primary concern. Consequently, the study recommends stringent quality testing of raw materials to enhance material strength and diminish product defects, thereby bolstering overall manufacturing quality.</p> <p><strong>Highlights :</strong></p> <ul class="list-outside list-decimal marker:font-mono marker:text-sm pl-11"> <li><span class="">The study aimed to investigate factors contributing to defective Epodion® rh-Erythropoietin Alfa syringes, with a focus on reducing cracks during manufacturing.</span></li> <li><span class="">A Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) approach was used to identify the primary causes of failure, revealing cracking as the predominant issue affecting 43% of defective units.</span></li> <li><span class="">Enhanced quality control measures for raw materials prior to their utilization within the production process were recommended to minimize product defects.</span></li> </ul> <p><span class=""><strong>Keywords:</strong> Epodion, rh-Erythropoietin Alfa, syringes, FMEA, quality control.</span></p> Muchammad Lukman Hakim Atikha Sidhi Cahyana Copyright (c) 2024 Muchammad Lukman Hakim, Atikha Sidhi Cahyana 2024-02-21 2024-02-21 7 37 42 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1589 Forecasting Raw Material Demand for Battery Breaker Production Process <p>This study aims to identify the most effective forecasting method for predicting raw material demand in the tin smelting industry, addressing the challenge of uncertainty in material arrival and inaccurate demand forecasting. Three methods, namely moving averages with n = 3 and n = 5, and exponential smoothing, were evaluated using historical data. Results indicate that exponential smoothing with α = 0.2 outperformed the other methods, yielding the smallest error rate with a Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) of 23%, Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) of 411, and Mean Squared Error (MSE) of 293303. The implication of these findings underscores the importance of employing appropriate forecasting techniques to optimize inventory management and mitigate shortages in critical industries reliant on volatile raw material supplies.</p> <p><strong>Highlights :</strong></p> <ul class="list-outside list-decimal marker:font-mono marker:text-sm pl-11"> <li><span class="">Accurate demand forecasting is crucial for companies engaged in smelting to prevent shortages and inventory increases.</span></li> <li><span class="">Three methods were used to determine the most appropriate forecasting method for raw material demand based on historical data: moving average with n = 3 and n = 5, and exponential smoothing with α = 0.2.</span></li> <li><span class="">The Exponential Smoothing Method with α = 0.2 had the smallest error rate, with a MAPE value of 23%, MAD of 411, and MSE of 293303, and can be used to optimize demand forecasting for the next period.</span></li> </ul> <p><span class=""><strong>Keywords:</strong> demand forecasting, smelting, raw materials, historical data, moving average, exponential smoothing.</span></p> Muhammad Hizam Anshori Atikha Sidhi Cahyana Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Hizam Anshori, Atikha Sidhi Cahyana 2024-02-21 2024-02-21 7 43 49 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1588 A Optimizing Raw Material Procurement EOQ Approach for Reducing Overstock <p>This research employs the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) method to optimize procurement practices for welding wire in boiler manufacturing. With a focus on reducing storage and inventory costs, the study aims to determine the optimal order quantity. Findings reveal that the calculated total inventory cost using the EOQ method significantly reduces compared to the company's existing policy. The optimal order quantity of 407 boxes, purchased four times per year, coupled with a safety stock of 181 boxes, ensures efficient procurement management. This research underscores the importance of implementing quantitative analysis techniques in procurement strategies to enhance cost-effectiveness and operational efficiency in manufacturing industries.</p> <p><strong>Highlight :</strong></p> <ul class="list-outside list-decimal marker:font-mono marker:text-sm pl-11"> <li><span class="">The study determines the optimal order quantity of K71T welding wire, reducing storage and inventory costs.</span></li> <li><span class="">The Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) method is applied, resulting in a total inventory cost of Rp. 89,060,000,- compared to the company policy of Rp. 290,840,000,-.</span></li> <li><span class="">The findings can be used as a reference for other manufacturing companies facing similar procurement challenges to optimize their inventory management and reduce costs.<br></span></li> </ul> <p><span class=""><strong>Keywords:</strong> welding wire, optimal order quantity, inventory management, procurement challenges, manufacturing companies</span></p> Mike Vidiasari Ribangun Bamban Jakaria Copyright (c) 2024 Mike Vidiasari, Ribangun Bamban Jakaria 2024-02-21 2024-02-21 7 50 54 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1587 A Raw Material Truck’s Queue System Optimization <p>This study investigates strategies to enhance efficiency in the unloading process of raw materials, crucial for maintaining productivity in paper production. Through field observations, a queuing system analysis employing a multi-channel single phase type was conducted. Results indicate that adding one unloading team can significantly reduce truck queuing time from 33 to 17 minutes. This finding underscores the potential for operational optimization through strategic resource allocation, emphasizing the importance of service quality alongside pricing in supplier engagement strategies for industrial enterprises</p> <p><strong>Highlights :</strong></p> <ul data-sourcepos="7:1-7:49"> <li>The study explores strategies to enhance efficiency in the unloading process of raw materials.</li> <li>Results indicate a significant reduction in truck queuing time through the addition of one unloading team.</li> <li>Emphasis is placed on the importance of service quality and pricing in supplier engagement strategies for industrial enterprises.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Efficiency, Queuing System, Raw Materials, Optimization, Supplier Engagement</p> Sugeng Prayitno Wiwik Sulistiyowati Copyright (c) 2024 Sugeng Prayitno, Wiwik Sulistiyowati 2024-02-22 2024-02-22 7 118 124 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1570 FOOD SAFETY RISK ANALYSIS IN MSME PRODUCT SUPPLY CHAIN FROM SCOR, SIX SIGMA AND HACCP INTEGRATION <p>MSME baster is a business that is engaged in food, especially meatballs. This MSME baster needs to regulate food<br>processing which aims to avoid chemical microbial contamination and others. Starting from raw materials,<br>processing to consumption by consumers, attention is also given to maintaining product safety. The method used in<br>designing the layout of production facilities at MSME Baster is the integration of Scor, six sigma and Haccp. The<br>Score method was chosen because it performs and decomposes the process, can measure the supply chain objectively<br>based on existing data and can identify improvements that need to be made to create competitive advantage, the Six<br>Sigma method to identify problems in the production process and describe the shortcomings in terms of time, money,<br>customers and opportunities, Haccp can reduce the level of risk to morbidity and mortality associated with the<br>consumption of unsafe food. From the results in the process of making meatballs, there are 3 types that have been<br>described at the determining stage, namely rotten material, material contaminated with fungi, material contaminated<br>with the Pareto diagram, it is known that 39% can cause harm to food is control that comes from the upper limit<br>(UCL) of 0.06271 (LCL) of 0.038 with P (average proportion) of 0.07348363, which means that what happened to the<br>company the average proportion was 0.07 or 7%</p> Nailatul Muflihatin Nafisah Hana Catur Wahyuni Copyright (c) 2024 Nailatul Muflihatin Nafisah, Hana Catur Wahyuni 2024-03-08 2024-03-08 7 163 173 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1192 Steel Production Process in CV. XYZ <p>The construction services sector plays a vital role in national development, encompassing economic, social, and cultural dimensions. This study focuses on CV. XYZ, a company specializing in steel construction, specifically examining the production process of hollow fences. The research aims to ascertain the time and costs required for hollow fence fabrication and to develop a Bill of Materials (BOM) for hollow fences. The methodology involves observing the production process and conducting cost analysis. Results reveal insights into production efficiency, cost implications, and material requirements for hollow fence manufacturing. This study contributes to optimizing production processes and cost-effective resource utilization in the steel construction industry, facilitating informed decision-making for stakeholders.</p> <p><strong>Highlights :</strong></p> <ul> <li>Steel construction company examines hollow fence production process.</li> <li>Research aims to determine time, costs, and develop BOM for hollow fences.</li> <li>Study contributes to optimizing production and cost-effective resource utilization.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords :&nbsp; </strong>Construction services, steel construction, hollow fences, production efficiency, cost analysis.</p> Agus Setyawan Setyawan Indah Apriliana Sari Wulandari Copyright (c) 2024 Agus Setyawan Setyawan, Indah Apriliana Sari Wulandari 2024-03-14 2024-03-14 7 345 351 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1481 Application of the AHP Method to Assesment of Performance Levels of Production Employees of the Zenbo Division of PT. ABC <p>In a company, it cannot be separated from the role of human resources who work in it. The quality of human resources is one of the factors that influences the level of company productivity. Therefore, there is a need for an existing employee performance assessment system to determine the level of productivity of each existing employee. The problems that exist at PT. Mertex Indonesia is the absence of an assessment system which results in no knowledge of the performance level of its employees. Based on these problems, this research designed an employee assessment system using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method which is used to support decision making for employees which refers to the employee's level of productivity.&nbsp;This research aims to create decision support in evaluating the performance of company employees to be able to maintain the high value of company productivity. The results obtained from weighting using AHP are changes in ranking where operator 2 and operator 3 exchange ranking positions.</p> <p><strong>Highlights : </strong></p> <ul> <li>Lack of performance assessment system at PT. ABC impacts productivity.</li> <li>Research designs AHP-based employee assessment system.</li> <li>Results show ranking changes, enhancing decision-making for productivity.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords : </strong>Human Resources; AHP Method; Performance Assessment</p> Doni Prasetyo Prasetyo Inggit Marodiyah Copyright (c) 2024 Doni Prasetyo Prasetyo, Inggit Marodiyah 2024-03-14 2024-03-14 7 362 368 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1485 Raw Material Control for Chicken Crumble Feed Production <p>Raw materials are essential for production, sourced from natural reserves or acquired from suppliers. Material Requirement Planning (MRP) is a vital method for managing material demand, utilizing inventory, forecasts, and production schedules. This study addresses the importance of inventory control and MRP in ensuring adequate raw material supply for production. The research aims to analyze MRP calculations to determine the required raw material quantities over a specified period. By employing MRP, production planners can efficiently order raw materials to prevent shortages or excessive inventory. The results highlight the significance of MRP in optimizing inventory management and ensuring uninterrupted production.</p> <p><strong>Highlights :&nbsp;</strong></p> <ul> <li>MRP ensures efficient raw material management.</li> <li>Study analyzes MRP calculations for required quantities.</li> <li>Results emphasize MRP's role in optimizing inventory and production.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords : </strong>Raw materials, Material Requirement Planning (MRP), inventory control, production scheduling, uninterrupted production</p> Erie Fadma Noer Fitriana Wijatmiko Tedjo Sukmono Copyright (c) 2024 Erie Fadma Noer Fitriana Wijatmiko, Tedjo Sukmono 2024-03-14 2024-03-14 7 400 408 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1492 Assessing Food Safety Risks in Wafer Production <p>Ensuring food safety and halal compliance is crucial for the competitiveness of food products, especially in Indonesia where issues with unsafe and non-halal food distribution persist. This research investigates the implementation of food safety and halal systems in the wafer production process. Through employee interviews and utilizing the 5W + 1H method, alternative strategies and risk controls are identified. The study reveals that the company's efforts to enhance food safety and halal compliance include implementing the HACCP system and the Halal Product Guarantee System. Observations indicate that continuous monitoring of the HACCP system in the production area is essential for improving food quality and safety. This research bridges a gap in understanding the implementation of food safety and halal systems in the food industry, providing insights for companies aiming to enhance their practices and meet regulatory requirements effectively.</p> <p><strong>Highlights :</strong></p> <ul> <li>Investigation into food safety and halal systems in wafer production.</li> <li>Utilization of employee interviews and 5W + 1H method for analysis.</li> <li>Implementation of HACCP and Halal Product Guarantee System to enhance compliance and quality.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords : </strong>Food safety, halal compliance, wafer production, HACCP system, risk controls</p> Nurria Peppi Yuwana Hana Catur Wahyuni Copyright (c) 2024 Nurria Peppi Yuwana, Hana Catur Wahyuni 2024-03-14 2024-03-14 7 409 421 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1496 Implementation of the AHP Method in Determining the Completion of Logistics Warehouse Stock Buildup Using the Expert Choice Application <p><em>The development of logistics services that are increasing has caused an increase in customers of PT. Astrans Putra Logistik also increased, this resulted in the logistics warehouse capacity experiencing a buildup of goods that almost filled the warehouse capacity which made operational activities disrupted, and many complaints from customers. Resolution to overcome this warehouse problem needs to be done so that the company’s operational efficiency is not disrupted and warehouse stock capacity becomes better. This study aims to find out the best solution of warehouse problems that occur through a decision making support system design using the AHP method assisted by the use of the Expert Choice 11 application. In making this decision, 4 stages are carried out, namely Intelligence, Design, Choice, and Analysis of Assessment Result which in the process have a 4 kinds of criteria and 4 kinds of alternative solutions. From the calculation of the AHP method assisted by the use of the Expert Choice 11 application, the weight of each criterion was obtained, namely Increased Operational Efficiency getting a weight of 0,259, Number of Items that can be Accommodated getting a weight of 0,086, Company Income getting a weight of 0,495, and Company Expense getting a weight of 0,160. From the calculation of alternative settlements, it was also found that The Addition of a New Departure Fleet got a weight of 0,385, The Construction of Branch Goods Warehouse got a weight of 0,279, Upgrading Small Trucks to Large Trucks got a weight of 0,187, and The Application of a Pre-order system for customers got a weight of 0,149.</em></p> Sofie Amalia Afifah Atikha Sidhi Cahyana Copyright (c) 2024 Sofie Amalia Afifah, Atikha Sidhi Cahyana 2024-03-14 2024-03-14 7 422 431 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1497 Analysis of Raw Materials and Production Process of Broiler Feed Crumble Type B-BR 1 MGB <p><em>PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia, Tbk is a company engaged in animal feed which provides various types, one of which is crumble. Crumble is a granular food processed by the process of grinding and crushing pellets. In addition to pellets, crumble is preferred and more suitable for poultry farms with mechanized feed bins. Crumble-shaped feed products are an activity that combines many existing production factors with the aim of producing a product, which is beneficial to consumers.</em></p> Fikri Maulana Khabibi Copyright (c) 2024 Fikri Maulana Khabibi 2024-03-14 2024-03-14 7 438 445 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1500 Analysis of the Pellet and Concentrate Chicken Animal Feed Production Process at PT. Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Gedangan Sidoarjo Unit <p><em> <span class="fontstyle0">This article reviews the production process of pellet and concentrate animal feed using the work map<br>method, both production process flow maps and production operation process maps. This research aims to carry out<br>an analysis of the production process flow and find out the causes of any obstacles in the production process at PT<br>Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk Sidoarjo Unit, so that we can get a clear picture of the early stage process of producing<br>pellet and concentrate animal feed. This type of research includes case study research because this research takes a<br>company as a case study, namely PT. Japfa Comfeed Indonesia, Tbk Gedangan Unit. The data collection method uses<br>a field method, namely a data collection method that is carried out by conducting direct observations of the production process in the field, both by observation, interviews and documentation. The results are an analysis of the pellet and concentrate type animal feed production process at PT. Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Gedangan Sidoarjo Unit.<br></span><br></em></p> Rio Septyawan Indah Apriliana Sari Wulandari Copyright (c) 2024 Rio Septyawan, Indah Apriliana Sari Wulandari 2024-03-14 2024-03-14 7 454 465 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1499 Maximizing Machine Efficiency in Indonesia's Noodle Industry <p>This study utilizes the Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) method, focusing on the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) to evaluate machine efficiency within a notable Indonesian noodle manufacturer. In the rapidly growing food manufacturing industry, particularly dry and instant noodles, machine performance is critical for meeting increasing domestic and international market demands. Results reveal that the OEE values are below industry standards, primarily due to speed reductions, idle and minor stoppages, process defects, and breakdown losses. These findings emphasize the urgent need for preventive maintenance strategies to mitigate downtime and enhance productivity, providing valuable insights for global industries facing similar challenges.</p> <p><strong>Highlights:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Rapid growth in the food manufacturing industry demands increased productivity.</li> <li>Machine performance is crucial for maintaining optimal production processes.</li> <li>Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) methods help measure and improve machine efficiency.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Total Productive Maintenance, Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Six Big Losses.</p> Mohammad Andi Rasyid Tedjo Sukmono Copyright (c) 2024 Mohammad Andi Rasyid, Tedjo Sukmono 2024-03-17 2024-03-17 7 571 580 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1530 Leveraging TikTok for Enhanced Digital Marketing and Consumer Engagement <p>This study explores the increasing utilization of digital platforms for marketing, focusing on the TikTok application due to its burgeoning popularity across diverse demographics. The research employs a mixed-methods approach, analyzing both quantitative usage data and qualitative consumer feedback to assess the effectiveness of online promotions through TikTok. Results demonstrate that TikTok's accessibility and widespread adoption significantly enhance product visibility and consumer engagement, leading to increased sales. Furthermore, the convenience of shopping via this platform saves time and energy for consumers, highlighting a shift in purchasing patterns. The implications of these findings suggest that businesses can leverage TikTok to tap into a broader market, potentially reshaping traditional marketing strategies and consumer interaction in the digital age.</p> <p><strong>Highlights:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Online promotions via TikTok are gaining popularity due to widespread usage and accessibility.</li> <li>Shopping online saves time and energy by eliminating the need to visit physical stores.</li> <li>Utilizing platforms like TikTok for marketing offers a dynamic and engaging way to reach potential customers.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Online Shop, Utility, Dynamic System, Simulation</p> Eva Zulfiatur Rahmah Moch Devan Rangga M Fandi Syaro Vivia Nailur Rahmayanti Atikha Sidhi Cahyana Copyright (c) 2024 Eva Zulfiatur Rahmah, Moch Devan Rangga, M Fandi Syaro , Vivia Nailur Rahmayanti, Atikha Sidhi Cahyana 2024-03-18 2024-03-18 7 605 608 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1548 Refining Sugar Production Forecasts: Analyzing Forecasting Techniques for Operational Precision <p>This study compares the efficacy of moving averages and double exponential smoothing (Holt's method) in predicting sugar production, using historical data. Results reveal that double exponential smoothing outperforms moving averages, offering more accurate forecasts, particularly in contexts requiring responsiveness to data trends. These findings hold significant implications for enhancing operational efficiency and readiness in the sugar industry, guiding maintenance scheduling and production target achievement.</p> <p><strong>Highlights:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Double exponential smoothing (Holt's method) surpasses moving averages in accuracy.</li> <li>Importance of forecasting in operational efficiency and maintenance scheduling.</li> <li>Applicability of forecasting techniques in the sugar industry context.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Forecasting, Moving Average, Sugar Production</p> Muhammad Faisal Andreyanto Hana Catur Wahyuni Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Faisal Andreyanto, Hana Catur Wahyuni 2024-03-18 2024-03-18 7 620 627 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1558 Optimizing Supplier Selection in Indonesia Through Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) <p>This study introduces a structured multi-criteria decision-making framework using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), applied to evaluate suppliers based on quality, price, quantity of supply, and plantation area. Effective supplier selection is crucial for maintaining supply chain efficiency. By employing the Expert Choice 11 software, the AHP method quantitatively assessed each criterion, resulting in a definitive ranking of suppliers. The analysis highlighted the paramount importance of quality in supplier selection, assigning it the highest weight (0.565). The outcomes reveal that a meticulous application of AHP significantly enhances decision-making in supplier selection, suggesting its broader applicability in global supply chain management contexts to improve operational efficacy and resilience.</p> <p><strong>Highlights:&nbsp;</strong></p> <ul> <li>Structured Evaluation: The AHP method provides a systematic approach to supplier assessment.</li> <li>Emphasis on Quality: Quality is the dominant criterion in supplier selection with the highest weight.</li> <li>Operational Improvement: Implementing AHP enhances supply chain efficiency and decision accuracy.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Supplier Selection, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Expert Choice</p> Mochamad Iqbal Latif Hana Catur Wahyuning Copyright (c) 2024 Mochamad Iqbal Latif, Hana Catur Wahyuning 2024-03-18 2024-03-18 7 628 636 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1560 Improving MRP Precision in Engineering and Manufacturing Sectors <p>This study evaluates the effectiveness of Material Requirement Planning (MRP) in the engineering and manufacturing sector through a five-month empirical investigation focused on production processes. Utilizing a combination of literature review, interviews, and direct observation, the research aimed to compare theoretical MRP calculations with actual raw material usage. Results highlighted significant discrepancies between projected and actual figures, indicating potential inaccuracies in current MRP applications. These findings underscore the need for refining MRP systems to enhance forecasting precision and inventory management, suggesting that integrating real-time data and improving algorithmic methodologies could bridge the existing gap between theory and practice in industrial manufacturing.</p> <p><strong>Highlights:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Essential Raw Material Management: Key for timely production and meeting customer needs.</li> <li>MRP Efficiency: PT. Weiss Tech uses MRP for precise raw material calculations.</li> <li>Accuracy Assessment: Research evaluates MRP accuracy through literature, interviews, and observation.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Raw Materials, MRP, Inventory Control</p> Muhammad Rizky Ardana Boy Isma Putra Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Rizky Ardana, Boy Isma Putra 2024-03-20 2024-03-20 7 696 707 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1557 Steel Processing Production Process At CV. ABC <p>The production process is a way, method and technique for creating or increasing the usefulness of a good or service using existing resources (labor, machines, materials, funds). <em>CV. ABC </em>is a company that focuses on the steel processing industry sector. This company's specialization includes making various products, such as fences, canopies, stairs, and building structures such as warehouses and housing. The purpose of carrying out this activity is to observe the production process of making fences and analyze the production process using a production process map (Operation Process Chart) and Bill of Materials. Based on field observations using the production process map at CV. It can be seen from Tiga Karya Persada Indonesia that making 1 fence takes a total of 795 minutes, consisting of 6 operational processes with a total time of 630 minutes and there are 8 inspection processes with a total time of 165 minutes.</p> Rizky Yulianto Boy Isma Putra Copyright (c) 2024 Rizky Yulianto, Boy Isma Putra 2024-03-20 2024-03-20 7 505 509 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1515 Integrated Analysis of Water Quality in Treatment Plants: Physicochemical and Biological Assessments <p>Water treatment plants (WTPs) play a crucial role in ensuring access to safe drinking water, essential for human health and well-being. This study focuses on the IPA Kedunguling, operated by the Regional Drinking Water Company Sidoarjo, which serves the residents of Sidoarjo city. The objective was to evaluate the water treatment process and quality using physical, chemical, and biological assessments in accordance with Ministry of Health Regulation No. 2/2023 and Government Regulation No. 66/2014. The process involves raw water intake at the Intake, followed by treatment at the WTP and distribution to residents. Laboratory tests revealed that chemical and biological parameters met regulatory standards; however, Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) levels exceeded permissible limits, highlighting a potential area for improvement. This study underscores the importance of continuous monitoring and optimization of water treatment processes to ensure the provision of safe drinking water to communities.</p> <p><strong>Highlights :</strong></p> <ul> <li>Water treatment plants ensure access to safe drinking water, vital for human health.</li> <li>Evaluation of IPA Kedunguling's water treatment process and quality according to regulatory standards.</li> <li>Laboratory tests identify areas for improvement, particularly in Total Dissolved Solid levels.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Water treatment plants, water quality assessment, regulatory compliance, drinking water safety, continuous monitoring.</p> Aditya Yoga Pratama Inggit Marodiyah Copyright (c) 2024 Aditya Yoga Pratama, Inggit Marodiyah 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 481 486 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1506 Evaluation of Health Risks in the Blood Serum of People Working in the Welding Industry as a Result of Exposure to Heavy Metals in Diyala Governorate / Iraq <p><strong>General Background:</strong> The welding industry is associated with significant health risks due to occupational exposure to heavy metals. <strong>Specific Background:</strong> Workers in this industry are particularly vulnerable to toxic metals such as lead, cadmium, copper, iron, and zinc, which can lead to severe health issues. <strong>Knowledge Gap:</strong> There is limited data on the specific health risks and heavy metal concentrations in welders' blood serum in Diyala Governorate, Iraq. <strong>Aims:</strong> This study aims to identify the primary health risks associated with welding-related heavy metal exposure and to explore strategies to mitigate these risks. <strong>Methods:</strong> The study was conducted in several industrial areas in Diyala Governorate, where blood samples were collected from 40 welders and 40 control participants (employees and students from Diyala University). An atomic absorption spectrophotometer was used to measure heavy metal concentrations in blood serum. <strong>Results:</strong> Statistical analysis revealed significant differences in heavy metal levels between welders and the control group (P Value &lt; 0.05), indicating higher exposure among welders. However, no significant differences were found within welder subgroups based on age, smoking status, and duration of exposure. <strong>Novelty:</strong> This study provides the first comprehensive assessment of heavy metal exposure among welders in Diyala Governorate, highlighting the urgent need for improved protective measures. <strong>Implications:</strong> The findings underscore the necessity for environmental and health authorities to implement rapid interventions to protect welders from heavy metal toxicity. Current protective measures are inadequate, as evidenced by elevated levels of lead, cadmium, nickel, and zinc in welders' blood serum. Enhanced protective practices and stricter regulations are critical to reducing these occupational health risks.</p> <p><strong>Highlights:</strong></p> <p>1. Higher levels of heavy metals found in welders' blood compared to controls.<br>2. No significant differences among welder subgroups by age, smoking, exposure duration.<br>3. Urgent need for better protective measures and interventions in welding industry.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Welding industry, heavy metals, occupational exposure, health risks, Diyala Governorate</p> Abdulwahab Abdulrazaq Jbara Noora Dhyaaldain Abed Shahad Abdul Jabbar Mohammed Copyright (c) 2024 abdulwahab abdulrazaq jbara, Noora dhyaaldain abed , shahad Abdul jabbar mohammed 2024-07-09 2024-07-09 7 696 702 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1667 Manufacturing Axle Pulleys for Conveyor Belts from ST40 Iron <p>This study explores the production enhancements of St40 iron conveyor axles and pulleys, focusing on processes from design to finishing. Methods include material selection, precision machining, and protective treatments, leading to significant improvements in durability and performance in harsh environments. Results indicate potential for major impacts on the durability and reliability of global conveyor systems.</p> <p><strong>Highlights :</strong></p> <ul> <li>Precision Machining: Ensures high accuracy and consistency in axle and pulley production, critical for optimal conveyor performance.</li> <li>Heat Treatment: Enhances the mechanical properties of axles and pulleys, significantly increasing their resistance to harsh operational conditions.</li> <li>Protective Treatments: Applies advanced coatings to protect against wear and corrosion, extending the lifespan of conveyor components in severe environments.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Conveyor Durability, Precision Machining, Material Selection, Heat Treatment, Industrial Applications</p> Mukhammad Imam Baihaqi Prantasi Harmi Tjhajanti Copyright (c) 2024 Mukhammad Imam Baihaqi, Prantasi Harmi Tjhajajanti 2024-02-20 2024-02-20 7 82 90 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1559 Periodic Maintenance Analysis of Diesel Motor Generator Set 900 kVA Power as Backup Energy <p>In the realm of backup power sources, maintaining the efficiency of generators is paramount for ensuring reliability and availability during power outages. This study aims to evaluate generator efficiency through routine maintenance analysis, adhering to regulatory frameworks outlined in regulations such as Regulation No. 29 of 2012 and Electricity Law No. 30 of 2009. By employing methods including Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) and assessing Actual Operating Time (AOT) against Specified Operating Time (SOT), this research determines the availability and compliance of each generator. Results highlight the importance of stringent regulatory compliance in enhancing the functionality and reliability of generators, thereby emphasizing the significance of routine maintenance for improved operational health.</p> <p><strong>Highlight&nbsp;:</strong></p> <ul class="list-outside list-decimal marker:font-mono marker:text-sm pl-11"> <li>Adherence to regulatory frameworks ensures operational compliance and reliability.</li> <li>Routine maintenance analysis enhances generator efficiency and availability.</li> <li>Availability assessment methods such as MTBF and AOT provide insights into operational health.</li> </ul> <p><span class=""><strong>Keywords:</strong> Generator reliability, Routine maintenance, Regulatory compliance, Availability assessment, Backup power sources</span></p> Rois Nur Rofiq Salam Edi Widodo Copyright (c) 2024 Rois Nur Rofiq Salam, Edi Widodo 2024-02-20 2024-02-20 7 1 9 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1597 Work Accidents Analysis in Lathe Workshop - JSA with FMEA Approach <p>This study investigates the risk levels and potential for work accidents in manufacturing processes involving heavy equipment like lathes, which often lead to accidents due to non-compliance with safety regulations. Employing job safety analysis (JSA), the research aims to minimize accidents by assessing risk levels and proposing comprehensive Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) usage for workers. Results reveal that the welding process's failure mode severity is rated at 2, while lathe-related accidents, particularly exposure to debris, have the highest occurrence and effect analysis at 6. Limited PPE availability contributes to a low failure mode detection and effect analysis score of 7. This study underscores the critical need for implementing stringent safety measures to mitigate workplace accidents in manufacturing settings.</p> <p><strong>Highlights :</strong></p> <ul class="list-outside list-decimal marker:font-mono marker:text-sm pl-11"> <li>Comprehensive assessment: Utilizing job safety analysis (JSA), the study provides a detailed evaluation of potential work accidents in manufacturing processes, focusing on heavy equipment usage.</li> <li>Risk mitigation: The research emphasizes the importance of implementing stringent safety measures, including the complete utilization of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), to minimize the occurrence of workplace accidents.</li> <li>Importance of compliance: Non-compliance with safety regulations, particularly regarding the use of PPE and adherence to K3 regulations, significantly increases the risk of work accidents, leading to disruptions in production processes.</li> </ul> <p><span class=""><strong>Keywords:</strong> Workplace Safety, Manufacturing, Job Safety Analysis, Personal Protective Equipment, Risk Assessment</span></p> Muhammad Tauhid Himam Edi Widodo Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Tauhid Himam, Edi Widodo 2024-02-22 2024-02-22 7 62 69 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1584 Use of the CLARKE JU6H-NL30 Diesel Pump in Building Fire Suppression Systems <p>This study investigates the suitability of the Clarke JU6H-30NL diesel pump engine as a supplementary solution for fire extinguishing systems in a banking facility during August–September 2023. Employing practical fieldwork methods, we analyzed the specifications, operational procedures, and benefits versus drawbacks of diesel pumps compared to electrical alternatives. Observational techniques were utilized to collect real-time data onsite. Our findings reveal that diesel pumps offer significant advantages such as uninterrupted operation during power failures, elevated water pressures, lower maintenance costs due to more accessible spare parts, and enhanced overall building safety and resilience against fires. These insights suggest that incorporating diesel pumps into existing fire protection strategies could provide reliable backup solutions, particularly in critical infrastructure settings where continuous operations are crucial.</p> <p><strong>highlight:</strong></p> <ul class="list-outside list-decimal marker:font-mono marker:text-sm pl-11"> <li><span class="">The study analyzed the specifications, operational procedures, and benefits versus drawbacks of diesel pumps compared to electrical alternatives.</span></li> <li><span class="">Observational techniques were utilized to collect real-time data onsite.</span></li> <li><span class="">Diesel pumps offer significant advantages such as uninterrupted operation during power failures, elevated water pressures, and lower maintenance costs due to more accessible spare parts.</span></li> </ul> <p><span class=""><strong>Keywords:</strong> Clarke JU6H-30NL diesel pump engine, fire extinguishing systems, banking facility, uninterrupted operation, building safety.</span></p> Mohamad Affan Rahmadin Iswanto Iswanto Copyright (c) 2024 Mohamad Affan Rahmadin, Iswanto Iswanto 2024-02-22 2024-02-22 7 99 104 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1576 The Procedure for Measuring Fuel Pressure on an Injection Motorbike Uses a Pressure Gauge <p>This study aimed to design and test a fuel pump pressure tester for injection motors to measure fuel pressure and determine whether the fuel pump is working properly. The qualitative method was used in the design process, which included creating design concepts, observation, and data processing. A literature review was conducted to strengthen the research results. The functional test in the final process showed that the tool could work well and provide information in measuring fuel pressure from the fuel pump. The implication of this study is that the fuel pump pressure tester can be used to prevent engine failure and improve engine performance.</p> <p><strong>Highlight:</strong></p> <ul class="list-outside list-decimal marker:font-mono marker:text-sm pl-11"> <li><span class="">Qualitative method used in the design process</span></li> <li><span class="">Literature review conducted to strengthen research results</span></li> <li><span class="">Functional test showed tool can measure fuel pressure accurately</span></li> </ul> <p><span class=""><strong>Keywords:</strong> fuel pump pressure tester, injection motors, fuel pressure, engine failure, engine performance.</span></p> Diyas Robikh Arafat Rachmad Firdaus Copyright (c) 2024 Diyas Robikh Arafat, Rachmad Firdaus 2024-02-22 2024-02-22 7 105 110 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1574 Repair and Maintenance of Ceramic Mould Pressing Machine <p>This study delves into the critical maintenance and repair procedures for ceramic pressing machines, integral to ceramic tile production. Through a comprehensive review of techniques and best practices, the research aims to optimize machine efficiency and quality output. Employing a methodical approach involving regular cleaning, component inspection, and timely part replacement, the study underscores the significance of skilled technicians proficient in diagnosing and rectifying issues before they escalate. Furthermore, emphasis is placed on the necessity of rigorous training for maintenance personnel and machine operators to ensure seamless operations and minimal production disruptions. The implications of these findings extend to the broader manufacturing sector, offering insights into enhancing machinery longevity and productivity.</p> <p><strong>highlight :</strong></p> <ul class="list-outside list-decimal marker:font-mono marker:text-sm pl-11"> <li>Proper maintenance ensures smooth operation and prevents unexpected breakdowns.</li> <li>Trained technicians are essential for effective repair and troubleshooting.</li> <li>Rigorous training for maintenance staff and operators optimizes machine performance and minimizes production downtime.</li> </ul> <p><span class=""><strong>Keywords:</strong> Ceramic pressing machines, Maintenance, Repair, Efficiency, Training</span></p> Bagas Putra Mulyadi Mulyadi Copyright (c) 2024 Bagas Putra, Mulyadi Mulyadi 2024-02-22 2024-02-22 7 111 117 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1571 Analyisis Of Boiler Reliability Maintenance System With Availability Ratio At PT. XXX <p>This study investigates a food manufacturing firm's efforts to enhance operational efficiency by optimizing its maintenance strategy and spare parts management within the context of noodle production. The research focuses on reducing prolonged machine downtimes caused by boiler malfunctions, which negatively impact production targets. A novel approach combining total minimum downtime calculations and a hybrid corrective-preventive maintenance methodology has been proposed. To bolster this initiative, an efficient spare parts procurement scheme was implemented. Results demonstrate a substantial reduction in unplanned downtime following implementation, thereby improving overall productivity and profitability. Implications highlight the potential for widespread application across similar industries seeking to minimize disruptions while maximizing equipment lifetimes.</p> <p><strong>highlight :</strong></p> <ul data-sourcepos="2:1-4:63"> <li data-sourcepos="2:1-2:56">Reduced downtime through improved boiler maintenance.</li> <li data-sourcepos="3:1-3:69">Hybrid corrective-preventive maintenance for efficient operations.</li> <li data-sourcepos="4:1-4:63">Optimized spare parts procurement for enhanced productivity.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> noodle production, boiler maintenance, downtime reduction, spare parts management, hybrid maintenance.</p> Luthfi Frans Setiawan Edi Widodo Copyright (c) 2024 Luthfi Frans Setiawan, Edi Widodo 2024-02-23 2024-02-23 7 125 131 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1569 Analysis of Variation in Iron Coating Rubber for Upper Punch Moulds <p>This study investigates the evolution of ceramic mold design and manufacturing processes, focusing on the role of punches in shaping ceramics through injection molding techniques. Key findings reveal diverse punch types—isostatic, pressure rubber, and exhaust punches—tailored to meet varying market demands. By employing ASTM 1045 high-performance 45 steel, we explore the impact of these punches on product quality and efficiency. Qualitative research methods, comprising literature review, observations, and interviews, were utilized to analyze the production process, formulation of ceramic bodies, and variations within ceramic molding tools and procedures. Our work contributes valuable insights into the advancements of injection molding technology, particularly in the context of rapid growth in polymeric materials' usage and their potential for mass production via fast cycle times and high quantities.</p> <p><strong>Highlight :</strong></p> <ul class="list-outside list-decimal marker:font-mono marker:text-sm pl-11"> <li><span class="">Diverse punch types tailored to meet market demands, including isostatic, pressure rubber, and exhaust punches</span></li> <li><span class="">Utilization of ASTM 1045 high-performance 45 steel for improved product quality and efficiency</span></li> <li><span class="">Employment of qualitative research methods, such as literature reviews, observations, and interviews, to examine the production process, ceramic body formation, and tool variations</span></li> </ul> <p><span class=""><strong>Keywords:</strong>&nbsp;ceramic mold, punches, injection molding, ASTM 1045 steel, diversified punches, qualitative analysis</span></p> Rizky Wahyu Iswantoi Iswantoi Copyright (c) 2024 Rizky Wahyu, Iswantoi Iswantoi 2024-02-23 2024-02-23 7 138 143 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1567 Identifying Causes of Pressure Drop in Heat Exchanger E-204 <p><span class="">This study investigates the efficacy of preventive maintenance measures on the E-204 Plate Heat Exchanger (PHE) to mitigate pressure drop issues affecting production efficiency and operational costs in the petrochemical industry. The research identifies gasket leaks and plate blockages as primary contributors, attributed to wear and dirt deposits. Through periodic inspections, gasket replacements, and mechanical and chemical cleaning, maintenance interventions were executed. Results demonstrate a significant reduction in gasket blockages and leaks, leading to improved fluid flow and operational efficiency. The findings underscore the importance of regular preventive maintenance in ensuring optimal PHE performance and cost-effective operations.</span></p> <p><strong><span class="">Highlight :</span></strong></p> <ul class="list-outside list-decimal marker:font-mono marker:text-sm pl-11"> <li>Maintenance Intervention: Periodic inspections, gasket replacements, and mechanical and chemical cleaning were implemented to address gasket leaks and plate blockages.</li> <li>Enhanced Efficiency: The study resulted in a significant reduction in gasket blockages and leaks, leading to improved fluid flow and operational efficiency.</li> <li>Implications for Industry: Regular preventive maintenance is crucial for optimal performance and cost-effective operations in petrochemical production processes.</li> </ul> <p><span class=""><strong>Keywords:</strong> Plate Heat Exchanger, Preventive Maintenance, Efficiency Improvement, Gasket Leaks, Petrochemical Industry</span></p> Ardhi Shefta Fernanda Rachmat Firdaus Copyright (c) 2024 Ardhi Shefta Fernanda, Rachmat Firdaus 2024-02-23 2024-02-23 7 144 150 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1566 Best Practices Guide for Centrifugal Pump Maintenance <p>This study examines the efficiency of centrifugal pumps, which enhance fluid movement by converting kinetic to dynamic potential energy via an impeller. Maintenance strategies—regular, predictive, and preventive—are analyzed for their impact on pump longevity and reliability. Results demonstrate that effective maintenance reduces operational costs and extends pump life, suggesting significant performance improvements across industrial applications.</p> <p><strong>Highlight :</strong></p> <ul class="list-outside list-decimal marker:font-mono marker:text-sm pl-11"> <li>Effective maintenance boosts pump longevity and reliability.</li> <li>Regular, predictive, and preventive maintenance methods analyzed.</li> <li>Significant performance improvements achievable with proper maintenance.</li> </ul> <p><span class=""><strong>Keywords:</strong> Centrifugal pumps, Maintenance strategies, Pump efficiency, Operational costs, Industrial applications</span></p> Wahyu Hikmatiarun Yahya Mulyadi Mulyadi Copyright (c) 2024 Wahyu Hikmatiarun Yahya, Mulyadi Mulyadi 2024-02-23 2024-02-23 7 151 155 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1565 Analysis of Crooked Cane Carrier Shafts in a Sugar Factory <div class="border-borderMain/60 dark:border-borderMainDark/80 divide-borderMain/60 dark:divide-borderMainDark/80 ring-borderMain dark:ring-borderMainDark bg-transparent"> <div class="relative default font-sans text-base text-textMain dark:text-textMainDark selection:bg-superDuper selection:text-textMain"> <div class="min-w-0 break-words [word-break:break-word]"> <div dir="auto">This study explores the deformation of Cane Carrier shafts under overload in sugar mills, pinpointing overload and inadequate maintenance as key culprits. Recommendations include revised load management, rigorous preventive maintenance, and systematic overload monitoring. These strategies promise to reduce shaft damage and enhance mill efficiency, presenting crucial advancements for mechanical engineering and the sugar industry.</div> <div dir="auto"><strong>Highlight :</strong></div> <div dir="auto"> <ul class="list-outside list-decimal marker:font-mono marker:text-sm pl-11"> <li>Overload and Maintenance: Identifies overload and insufficient maintenance as principal causes of shaft damage.</li> <li>Preventive Strategies: Recommends enhanced load management and rigorous preventive maintenance to prevent future issues.</li> <li>Operational Improvement: Proposes regular overload monitoring to improve operational efficiency in sugar mills.</li> </ul> <p><span class=""><strong>Keywords:</strong> Cane Carrier Shaft, Overload Damage, Preventive Maintenance, Operational Efficiency, Load Management</span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> Rangga Bayu Puspawarna A’rasy Fahruddin Copyright (c) 2024 Rangga Bayu Puspawarna, A’rasy Fahruddin 2024-02-23 2024-02-23 7 156 162 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1561 Identify Product Defects In The Injection Molding Process <p>Injection molding is a method of processing thermoplastic polymer seeds that are inserted into a hopper into<br>a barrel then the material is pushed by a screw to enter the mold (mold). However, products produced by injection<br>molding machines are sometimes still found defects in the product. Common defects include: Short shot, Flash, Sink<br>mark, Flow mark, Black spot, Warpage and Colour streaks. And the most causative factors are materials that do not<br>comply with production procedures, lack of checking on the control panel, mold design errors (mold).<br>Keywords - Injection molding; defects; mold</p> Sulung Wibawansyah Sulung Wibawansyah Copyright (c) 2024 Sulung Wibawansyah Sulung Wibawansyah 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 7 223 226 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1448 Manufacturing of Roll Conveyors <p>Field work practice is a form of educational and vocational implementation that is participated in by students. Practical work aims to prepare students to become productive people and can work directly in their respective fields. Students can also experience the production atmosphere and can help deal with several problems experienced by professional engineering in factories. Conveyor systems can be said to be part of the equipment mechanics that transport materials from one place to another. This system is useful when goods need to be transported and moved from one place to another. Its existence makes the process easier, faster and more comfortable. In various industries, conveyors are very important. This system is designed to withstand heavy workloads and extreme weather conditions. The ability to adjust certain angles to help move materials. Design is divided into two, namely planning and conceptualizing. Planning this research focused on designing the conveyor for the can and plastic bottle waste sorting machine, then the consumer needs for the conveyor for the can and plastic bottle waste sorting machine were arranged as follows: a) The conveyor is easy to operate. b) Does not endanger the operator. c) Easy maintenance. d) Energy efficient conveyor from carrying out practical field work at CV. According to Agung Widodo's source, it can be concluded as follows: Industrial Automation or Industrial Automation is basically technology related to the application of mechanical, electronic and computer-based information systems to operate and control production. Key words: conveyor, roll, as roll.</p> Ion Sheren Dheril Herwanto Ali Akbar Copyright (c) 2024 Ion Sheren Dheril Herwanto, Ali Akbar 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 7 300 302 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1470 Analysis of Hydraulic Axle Leak in Toothpaste Mixing Machine at PT. XYZ <p>Field Work Practice is one of the courses contained in the Mechanical Engineering Study Program that learns about how we do work and adapt to the industrial world at this time. Mixer is one of the mixing tools in the emulsion system so that it produces a uniform or homogeneous dispersion. The problem of hydraulic axle leakage of the mixing machine that often occurs and becomes a serious problem that can cause the engine to not operate, which requires maintenance/repair for a long time, There is an oil leak in the hydraulic piston system on the mixing machine which causes the piston to not be able to rise and turn perfectly which causes the tank lid of the mixing machine to not be able to hit the tightness so that it delays the production process. To prevent damage to the mixing machine which directly results in smooth production, maintenance and periodic checks are needed. Because the mixing machine itself plays an important role in the process of making toothpaste, therefore if the mixing machine experiences Damage will cause harm to the company itself</p> <p><em>(</em><strong><em>Keyword</em></strong><em> : Mixing Enggine, Hidrolist oil,seal)</em></p> Rizki Arif Maulana Sahroni Copyright (c) 2024 Rizki Arif Maulana Sahroni 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 7 307 309 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1473 Analysis of the Causes of Crooked Sugarcane Crepe Shafts in Sugar Factories <p><em>Practical work is a form of education and vocational implementation that is followed by students so that students can work directly in the business world as well as industry or fabrication. Practical work aims to prepare students to become productive human beings and can immediately work in accordance with their respective fields, students can also feel the atmosphere of production and can help deal with some problems- problems experienced by Engineering professionals inside the factory. Therefore, in welding, knowledge must accompany practice, in more detail it can be said that the design of building construction and machines with welded joints, must also be planned about welding methods. This method of inspection, welding material, and type of weld to be used, based on the function of the building parts or machines designed. Based on the definition of DIN (Deutch Industrie Normen) Galvanized Welded Broken Products is the best way to assemble or connect constructions and products made from iron. This welding method is specifically performed for galvanized materials. The iron welding process requires special preparation and skills. Based on the results of fieldwork practices that have been carried out in CV. Sumber Agung Widodo, The process of making panel tables is carried out into several stages, namely the hollow iron cutting, 45- degree galvanized angle cutting, iron plate cutting, elbow iron cutting, splicing by welding, frame painting, and mounting a series of panels to the finished panel table. The materials used are hollow iron, iron plate, elbow iron, iron paint, wheels. The tools used are ac current welding machines, grinders and elbow rulers. Stage</em></p> <p><strong>Highlights :</strong></p> <ul> <li>Practical work enhances students' readiness for the industrial environment.</li> <li>Welding methods must align with building construction and machine design.</li> <li>Fieldwork at CV. ABC involves various stages, including cutting, welding, painting, and assembly.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords : <em>Practical work, Welding methods, Galvanized Welded Products, CV. ABC, Iron welding process</em></strong></p> M.Rizky Faisal Dermawan Wasiana Iswanto Iswanto Copyright (c) 2024 M.Rizky Faisal Dermawan Wasiana, Iswanto Iswanto 2024-03-14 2024-03-14 7 335 338 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1477 Tube Blockage Solutions for Industrial Heat Exchangers <p>This study investigates the root causes of blockages in heat exchanger tubes and proposes effective mitigation strategies. Industrial heat exchangers face recurrent challenges from tube blockages, impairing operational efficiency. Through a combination of experimental analysis, computational modeling, and data-driven approaches, the research identifies the role of contaminants in causing pressure drops and outlines targeted maintenance protocols. Findings underscore the significance of proactive measures in optimizing heat exchange processes, offering valuable insights for enhancing system performance across diverse industrial applications.</p> <p><strong>Highlights:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Tube blockages disrupt production efficiency.</li> <li>Pressure drop due to blockages affects system performance.</li> <li>Analysis needed for prevention measures.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Production Process, Blockage, Exchangere</p> Faris Ferdiansyah Rachmat Firdaus Copyright (c) 2024 Faris Ferdiansyah, Rachmat Firdaus 2024-03-15 2024-03-15 7 555 562 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1528 Transforming Industry Through Hydraulic Solutions, Enhancing Productivity <p>This study investigates the workings of such systems in Indonesia, focusing on the flow and pressurization of oil from reservoirs through pumps to working cylinders. Hydraulic systems are crucial in transforming oil fluid pressure into mechanical work, particularly in injection molding machines. Findings indicate that the pump's ability to convert and transmit mechanical energy effectively is pivotal in enhancing machine efficiency. These insights highlight potential areas for improvement in system design and operation, suggesting that optimizing filtration and pressurization could significantly boost industrial productivity and sustainability.</p> <p><strong>Highlights:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Hydraulic systems in Indonesia studied for oil flow and pressurization.</li> <li>Pump efficiency crucial for enhancing machine productivity.</li> <li>Optimization of filtration and pressurization can boost industrial sustainability.</li> </ul> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Hydraulic System, Injection Molding Machine, System Works</em></p> Ghulam Muhammad Abdu Sari Rachmat Firdaus Copyright (c) 2024 Ghulam Muhammad Abdu Sari, Rachmat Firdaus 2024-03-17 2024-03-17 7 563 570 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1529 Safeguarding Maritime Operations through Strategic Shipping Protocols for Enhanced Security <p>This study investigates the implementation of safety measures during the shipping of survey boats in Indonesia, employing qualitative methods with both primary and secondary data. Maritime transport safety, particularly for survey boats, is crucial yet often overlooked. The analysis reveals that effective management of survey boats and fuel safety is essential, with specific measures such as careful navigation, no-smoking policies, secure fuel packaging, regular maintenance, and weather monitoring being paramount. The findings advocate for stringent safety protocols to prevent accidents and enhance maritime security, suggesting significant implications for global maritime operations.</p> <p><strong>Highlights:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Importance of Shipping Safety: Priority in sea transportation.</li> <li>Analysis of Shipping Safety Implementation: Focus on survey boat usage and fuel safety.</li> <li>Key Variables in Research: Safe driving practices, fuel packaging, ship maintenance, weather awareness.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong><strong>&nbsp;</strong>Surveyboat, Fuel, Safety</p> Amar Alfariqi Ali Akbar Copyright (c) 2024 Amar Alfariqi, Ali Akbar 2024-03-17 2024-03-17 7 581 585 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1532 Boosting Boiler Efficiency Through Strategic Interventions <p>This study investigates the decline in steam boiler performance, focusing on identifying causal factors and implementing corrective actions. Employing an observational approach, the research highlights insufficient water supply and suboptimal fuel quality as primary contributors to decreased efficiency. Strategic measures, including optimizing air supply in the combustion process and enhancing corrosion control within the boiler's fire tubes, were implemented to address these issues. The findings suggest that these interventions effectively restore boiler performance, offering significant implications for maintenance practices and operational efficiency in industrial settings.</p> <p><strong>Highlights:</strong></p> <ul> <li> <p>Steam Boiler Functionality: A steam boiler produces steam through fuel combustion and water conversion.</p> </li> <li> <p>Identifying Performance Factors: Lack of water filling and fuel quality are identified as factors causing boiler performance decline.</p> </li> <li> <p>Action Plan: Optimization of air in combustion and corrosion control in boiler pipes are implemented to address the performance issue.</p> </li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Boiler, Corrosion, Performance</p> Adinda Maydana Ali Akbar Copyright (c) 2024 Adinda Maydana, Ali Akbar 2024-03-18 2024-03-18 7 592 594 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1538 Efficacy of Regular Maintenance in Mitigating Industrial Equipment Deterioration <p>This study investigates the effectiveness of standardized welding techniques and the impact of regular maintenance on the longevity of factory equipment. Initiated by identifying damage in machinery and equipment, the research involved repairing identified malfunctions as a part of its methodology. Findings indicate that regular inspections and maintenance are crucial in preventing equipment failure. The primary causes of damage were identified as human error, insufficient cleaning practices, and the natural aging of industrial machines. The implications suggest that enhancing maintenance protocols and training for operators could significantly reduce industrial equipment degradation, underscoring the importance of adherence to maintenance schedules in industrial settings.</p> <p><strong>Highlights:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Welding techniques compliance with standards is crucial for welders' mastery.</li> <li>Regular inspection and maintenance are essential for damaged factory equipment.</li> <li>Factors causing damage include human error, inadequate cleaning, and machine age.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Damage, Welding, Maintenance</p> Muchamad Reysa Pahlewi Suharto Ali Akbar Copyright (c) 2024 Muchamad Reysa Pahlewi Suharto, Ali Akbar 2024-03-18 2024-03-18 7 595 599 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1539 Vibration Diagnostics for Predicting Pump Failures <p>This study investigates the predictive potential of specific vibration patterns in assessing the structural integrity of centrifugal pumps, vital for industrial fluid transport. Despite their importance, these pumps often encounter performance issues attributed to vibration-related damage such as cavitation and corrosion. Addressing this gap, we employ advanced vibration analysis techniques to identify distinct signatures indicative of cavitation and corrosion progression. Our research aims to provide an early detection tool for maintenance by understanding these patterns. Through our method, we reveal significant correlations between vibration patterns and pump condition, offering implications for extending pump lifespan and enhancing maintenance strategies in industries reliant on such machinery.</p> <p><strong>Highlights:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Centrifugal Pump Operation: Impeller rotation transfers fluid.</li> <li>Vibration Analysis Significance: Essential for predictive maintenance.</li> <li>Cavitation and Corrosion Effects: Trigger vibration, erode surfaces.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Centrifugal Pump, Corrosion, Vibration</p> Keigant Abdullah Barafi A’rasy Fahruddin Copyright (c) 2024 Keigant Abdullah Barafi, A’rasy Fahruddin 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 7 637 643 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1522 High Torque and Increased Wear Redefine Gearbox Longevity in Electric Motors <p>This study explores the accelerated wear of gearboxes driven by electric motors compared to gearboxes in combustion engines, highlighting the important role of lubrication quality. The continuous operation of sugarcane processing machines requires durable gearboxes, especially under the high torque load of electric motors. By analyzing gearbox wear through standard load tests and various lubricant qualities, the findings reveal that superior lubricants significantly reduce wear. These results not only demonstrate the need for customized gearbox designs for electric motors, but also show that improvements in lubrication practices can extend gearbox life and increase efficiency in industrial applications globally.</p> <p><strong>Highlights:&nbsp;</strong></p> <ul> <li>Continuous operation vital for production targets.</li> <li>Electric motorbike gearboxes need frequent maintenance.</li> <li>Quality lubrication crucial for gearbox longevity.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Gearbox, Grind, Sugar Factory</p> Muhammad Dwi Andika Yudistira A’rasy Fahruddin Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Dwi Andika Yudistira, A’rasy Fahruddin 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 7 651 657 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1535 Strategic Maintenance Boosts Global Power Plant Efficiency and Safety <p>This study addresses the maintenance of the Main Cooling Water Pump (MCWP) in Gas and Steam Power Plants, crucial for performance and sustainability. Existing practices often lack a comprehensive approach, integrating routine inspections with proactive maintenance strategies. We aimed to develop a maintenance framework that improves operational efficiency, safety, and environmental sustainability. Over a 12-month period, data from various facilities indicated that our holistic approach increased pump efficiency by 15%, reduced downtime by 20%, and enhanced compliance with safety and environmental standards. These findings underscore the importance of integrated maintenance practices in responding to evolving industry challenges and regulations.</p> <p><strong>Highlights:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Holistic maintenance approach vital for MCWP performance.</li> <li>Safety compliance crucial for personnel and asset protection.</li> <li>Maintenance enhances efficiency and sustainability efforts.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Maintenance, Main Cooling Water Pump, Energy Efficiency</p> Raihan Maulana Zulfikar Mulyadi Mulyadi Copyright (c) 2024 Raihan Maulana Zulfikar, Mulyadi Mulyadi 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 7 665 676 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1544 Strategies to Boost Boiler Efficiency and Reduce Operational Downtime <p>This study examines the decline in boiler performance, highlighting the imperative of efficient maintenance to prevent operational disruptions and financial losses. The focus is on the analysis of boiler functionality, identifying factors that contribute to reduced efficiency and increased downtime. Utilizing performance data from August 2023, the research documents a significant downtime of 4610 minutes, primarily attributed to mechanical issues and extended recovery periods totaling 1920 minutes. The study also reports a high fuel usage efficiency ratio of 35 Kg/cm3, underscoring the challenges in initial recovery efforts. Despite these setbacks, machine quality metrics indicated no defects, suggesting effective quality control measures. The findings underscore the critical relationship between maintenance strategies and boiler efficiency, proposing that proactive maintenance could mitigate downtime and enhance productivity, thereby supporting sustained operational efficiency.</p> <p><strong>Highlights:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Maintenance crucial for boiler efficiency and cost savings.</li> <li>Downtime leads to production delays and financial losses.</li> <li>Performance metrics indicate operational reliability and effectiveness.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords : </strong>Boiler, Maintenance, Operating Time</p> Rendy Rakhmad Fakhrizi Mulyadi Mulyadi Copyright (c) 2024 Rendy Rakhmad Fakhrizi, Mulyadi Mulyadi 2024-03-20 2024-03-20 7 691 695 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1554 Corrosion Rate Analysis of Steam Boiler Superheater <p>Superheaters play an important role in converting saturated steam to the point of superheating. The condition of the superheater needs to be considered, if there is rust it will reduce the performance of the superheater in heating steam to the point of superheat. Rust / corrosion is the enemy of dangerous metals. Corrosion is defined as a deterioration in the quality of metals due to electrochemical reactions with their environment In corrosion events, metals undergo oxidation, while oxygen (air) undergoes reduction. The corrosion event itself is an electrochemical process, which is a process (change / chemical reaction) that involves electricity. Certain parts of the metal act as the negative pole (negative electrode, anode), while the other part acts as the positive pole (positive electrode, cathode). Electrons flow from the anode to the cathode, resulting in corrosion. By calculating the corrosion rate of superheaters with material A-213 T22 can be a consideration for using materials that are more resistant to rust or become a consideration in estimating repair time.</p> Satria Agung Wibisono A’rasy Fahruddin Copyright (c) 2024 Satria Agung Wibisono , A’rasy Fahruddin 2024-03-20 2024-03-20 7 494 497 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1513 Analysis of The Causes of Defects In Products in Cup Filing Machines <p>Drinking water is good water and can be in natural form or processed like sea water for desalination, it<br>must meet the drinking water standards set. Drinking water standards are divided into ordinary water, mineral water, natural mineral water and bottled water. AMDK is drinking water that has been treated, packaged and is safe for direct consumption in accordance with industrial standards in Indonesia. Manufacturing machines including glass, bottle and gallon filling machines often experience product defects outside the planned schedule and machine damage causes production to stop, thereby reducing machine performance and suggestions and input for improvements so that it can run as desired.</p> Moch Miqdar Efendi Prantasi Harmi Tjahjanti Copyright (c) 2024 Moch Miqdar Efendi Efendi, Prantasi Harmi Tjahjanti 2024-03-20 2024-03-20 7 498 504 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1514 Analysis of the Causes of Turbine Power Efficiency Decreases <p>Abstract. The steam turbine as the prime mover converts steam energy into kinetic energy and kinetic energy is further <br>converted into mechanical energy in the form of rotation of the shaft turbine. Turbines as generator drives so as to <br>produce electric power that can be used in various industrial fields. The energy required is large and the continuous <br>use of the turbine must operate with sufficient stability for a long time. Turbine efficiency will decrease due to several <br>factors such as errors during operation and duration of maintenance. Based on data obtained from PT. Synergy of <br>Gula Nusantara PG. Kremboong turbine power efficiency will decrease because there are several factors that cause <br>corrosion, erosion and wear and tear on turbine engine components. Steam for turbine drive produced by steam <br>boilers containing dirt or inappropriate water ph can cause scale on the turbine so that the turbine cannot rotate <br>optimally.</p> Ricky Kurniawan Ali Akbar Copyright (c) 2024 Ricky Kurniawan, Ali Akbar 2024-03-20 2024-03-20 7 523 528 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1517 Handling Analysis of Short Shot Defects From Stretch Blow Molding Machine On 330 Ml Bottle Case Study At PT. XYZ <p>Stretch blow molding is a manufacturing method used in making hollow plastic products using polymer plastic with rotational symmetry. This method, which has been popular since the 1970s, is usually used to make PET bottle products for soft drinks and mineral water to liquid detergent. In the production process of 330 ml plastic water bottles using a stretch blow machine molding with a pneumatic system, making products usingThis machine has factors that can affect the quality of the bottles produced. Size deviation (even distribution of bottle thickness and bottle slope) not in accordance with specifications resulting in bottles with white shoulders and flanged (shrinkage). The aim of this research is to optimize the settings stretch blow molding machine parameters to produce good quality 330 ml plastic water bottle product. The variables (predictors) chosen are: preblow (bar), preform temperature (ºC), and P1 point (mm).</p> Wistyo Nugroho Nugroho A’rasy Fahruddin Copyright (c) 2024 Wistyo Nugroho Nugroho, A’rasy Fahruddin 2024-03-20 2024-03-20 7 529 539 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1519 Use Of The Yamaha F100B Outboard Engine As a Populsion On The Rinca and Bawean Survey Boats <p>The aim of this research is to determine the use of the Yamaha F100B outboard engine as a propulsion for the Rinca and Bawean survey boats. The research was carried out within one month, namely August to September 2023. This research was carried out using practical field work methods. The variables in this research were the specification,work process, fuel efficiency system,&nbsp; superiority, and environmental impact. The method in this research uses the observation method, namely the method of collecting data by recording directly while in the field. The research results show that the use of a Yamaha F100B outboard motor as a propulsion is able to provide adequate thrust for the survey vessel, with efficient fuel consumption. In the context of survey vessels, the reliability and speed of these motors are important factors in supporting successful marine survey operations.</p> Rizky Dwi Aldiantofas Ali Akbar Copyright (c) 2024 Rizky Dwi Aldiantofas, Ali Akbar 2024-03-20 2024-03-20 7 510 515 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1520 P-702 Centrifugal Pump Damage Analysis Insights and Implications <p>Centrifugal pumps are widely used in industries for fluid transfer, operating on the rotation of an impeller driven by a prime mover. However, sudden performance drops and operational instability pose significant challenges, impacting overall system efficiency. Predictive maintenance relies on vibration analysis to assess rotating equipment condition, with vibration patterns indicating potential issues such as cavitation and corrosion. Prolonged cavitation leads to erosion of channel wall surfaces, resulting in structural damage. This study aims to address the knowledge gap in understanding the relationship between pump vibration, cavitation, and corrosion. Through comprehensive vibration analysis and examination of pump performance, our research identifies the mechanisms driving pump degradation. The findings highlight the critical role of predictive maintenance in mitigating pump failures and optimizing system performance.</p> <p><strong>Highlights :&nbsp;</strong></p> <ul> <li>Vibration analysis crucial for predictive maintenance: Identifying early signs of pump deterioration.</li> <li>Cavitation-induced erosion: Understanding the impact of prolonged cavitation on pump performance.</li> <li>Importance of proactive maintenance: Mitigating pump failures and optimizing system efficiency.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords : </strong>Centrifugal pumps, Vibration analysis, Cavitation, Corrosion, Predictive maintenance</p> Keigen Abdullah Barafi A’rasy Fahruddin Copyright (c) 2024 Keigen Abdullah Barafi, A’rasy Fahruddin 2024-03-20 2024-03-20 7 516 522 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1521 Maintaining Printing Machines at a Textile Company <p>This qualitative research explores the multifaceted applications of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) in East Java, Indonesia. Utilizing interviews, observations, and literature review, the study aims to analyze PVC's utilization across diverse sectors. Results highlight its extensive use in synthetic leather, flooring, and color manufacturing, emphasizing its versatility, chemical resistance, lightweight, and water-resistant properties. Implications underscore the importance of comprehending PVC's role for sustainable development and innovation.</p> <p><strong>Highlight :</strong></p> <ul class="list-outside list-decimal marker:font-mono marker:text-sm pl-11"> <li>PVC's Versatility: The study showcases PVC's adaptability across various industries, from synthetic leather to flooring, emphasizing its diverse applications.</li> <li>Sustainable Development: Understanding PVC's role in industrial contexts highlights opportunities for sustainable development and innovation, contributing to environmental conservation efforts.</li> <li>Qualitative Approach: Utilizing interviews, observations, and literature review, the research offers in-depth insights into the utilization of PVC in East Java, Indonesia.</li> </ul> <p><span class=""><strong>Keywords:</strong> PVC, applications, East Java, Indonesia, qualitative research</span></p> Satrio Fajar Rahmananto Prantasi Harmi Tjahjanti Copyright (c) 2024 Satrio Fajar Rahmananto, Prantasi Harmi Tjahjanti 2024-04-25 2024-04-25 7 132 137 10.21070/pels.v7i0.1568