Computerized Website-Based Health Recording of Pregnant Women
Posyandu is a forum for community empowerment to obtain basic health services, one of which is controlling the health of pregnant women by recording health in a register book. These records are used as a guide for pregnant women and as a reference for midwives to control the health of pregnant women during pregnancy until delivery. Currently, it is still found that recording is carried out manually, namely written in the register book of pregnant women. This results in the data not being able to be read properly, as well as data processing being difficult and the resulting reports being inaccurate. This research aims to design and build a website-based computerized system for recording and processing pregnant women's health data which is expected to speed up and make it easier for cadres and midwives in the process of recording, data processing and reporting. This type of research is descriptive research using observation and interview data collection methods and using a cross sectional approach. The subjects in this research were cadres and midwives, while the object of this research was recording and processing data on pregnant women. Using the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) system development method, namely the system design and creation process as well as the methodology used to develop the system.Computerized websitebased health records for pregnant women were built using the PHP programming language and a MySQL database with input data for pregnant women, staff data (cadres and midwives), and examination data. The resulting output is a pregnant woman's report, an officer's data report, a monthly examination data report and a chart of the development of pregnant women. This system can be accessed by cadres, midwives and pregnant women. Cadres can enter and edit data on pregnant women, officer data, examination data and reports. Midwives can edit and add examination data and view all reports. Meanwhile, pregnant women can see their own history of examination data
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