Environmental Study in Assessing the Water Quality of the Al-Gharraf River for Agricultural Purposes
Studi Lingkungan dalam Menilai Kualitas Air Sungai Al-Gharraf untuk Tujuan Pertanian
General Background: The Al-Gharraf River in Thi Qar Governorate, Iraq, is crucial for agricultural irrigation and livestock sustenance. Specific Background: However, the river's water is suspected of being polluted with physical and chemical contaminants, which may adversely affect soil properties, crop growth, and the health of livestock and poultry in the region. Knowledge Gap: Limited research exists on the extent of pollution in the Al-Gharraf River and its impact on agricultural and livestock practices. Aims: This study aims to assess the pollution levels of the river's water by evaluating key physical and chemical parameters, determining its suitability for agricultural purposes, and understanding the implications for livestock and poultry consumption. Results: The water quality, assessed using the American Salinity Laboratory classification, placed the river in the C3-S2 category, indicating third-degree salinity (very salty) and second-degree sodium (medium). Most physical and chemical measurements exceeded permissible limits for irrigation water, except for pH and Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR), which remained within acceptable bounds. The water, while within the premium class for low salt levels, posed significant risks to livestock and poultry due to high salinity and other pollutants. Novelty: The study provides a comprehensive analysis of the river's water quality, highlighting the critical need for regular monitoring and the implementation of modern irrigation practices to prevent further soil salinization. Implications: These findings emphasize the urgency of adopting sustainable water management strategies and raising awareness to prevent harmful discharges into the river, ensuring the long-term viability of agriculture and livestock in the region
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