Development of ETS (E-Ticketing System) Module for Issue Management Pembuatan Modul ETS (E-Ticketing System) untuk Manajemen Kendala

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Muhammad Syamsuddin
Uce Indahyanti


This study presents a research proposal aimed at addressing the need for improved internal management systems in the logistics industry. The goal is to introduce an Employee Tracking System (ETS) module integrated with the Human Resource Information System (HRIS) to facilitate real-time communication and problem-solving within the organization. The study focuses on the practical challenges of organizational management and the ongoing evolution of information technology in the workplace. The proposed ETS module is expected to enhance employee communication and streamline issue resolution, ultimately contributing to improved organizational efficiency and effectiveness. The research methodology involves a one-month internship program, during which students will work on implementing the ETS module and evaluating its impact on internal management processes. The results of this study are expected to provide valuable insights into the potential benefits of integrating information systems in the logistics industry, with implications for similar organizations seeking to modernize their internal management practices.

Highlight :

  • Problem: Logistics industry needs better internal management systems.

  • Solution: Integrate Employee Tracking System (ETS) with Human Resource Information System (HRIS) for real-time communication and problem-solving.

  • Research: Internship program implements and evaluates ETS module to assess impact on efficiency and effectiveness.

Keywords: Logistics, Employee Tracking System, HRIS integration, Real-time communication, Organizational efficiency


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How to Cite
M. Syamsuddin and U. Indahyanti, “Development of ETS (E-Ticketing System) Module for Issue Management ”, PELS, vol. 7, pp. 55-61, Feb. 2024.
Computer Science


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