Analysis of Hydraulic Axle Leak in Toothpaste Mixing Machine at PT. XYZ
Analisis Kebocoran As Hidrolis Mesin Mixing Pasta Gigi Di PT. XYZ
Field Work Practice is one of the courses contained in the Mechanical Engineering Study Program that learns about how we do work and adapt to the industrial world at this time. Mixer is one of the mixing tools in the emulsion system so that it produces a uniform or homogeneous dispersion. The problem of hydraulic axle leakage of the mixing machine that often occurs and becomes a serious problem that can cause the engine to not operate, which requires maintenance/repair for a long time, There is an oil leak in the hydraulic piston system on the mixing machine which causes the piston to not be able to rise and turn perfectly which causes the tank lid of the mixing machine to not be able to hit the tightness so that it delays the production process. To prevent damage to the mixing machine which directly results in smooth production, maintenance and periodic checks are needed. Because the mixing machine itself plays an important role in the process of making toothpaste, therefore if the mixing machine experiences Damage will cause harm to the company itself
(Keyword : Mixing Enggine, Hidrolist oil,seal)
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