Analysis of SEDESA Farm's Social Media Marketing Strategy Using the PRACE Method
Analisis Strategi Pemasaran Media Sosial SEDESA Farm Menggunakan Metode PRACE
Companies are increasingly interested in adopting digital marketing tactics for their advertising and sales efforts as a result of the growing recognition of digital marketing's significance as a benchmark for global industrial development. This encouraged Sedesa Farm to look into digital marketing for new market circumstances and methods, with a particular emphasis on growing its company towards B2C (company to Customer) sales. Instagram is the digital medium of choice. The purpose of this research is to assess the current status of Sedesa Farm's digital marketing by analyzing the PRACE framework (Plan, Reach, Act, Convert, and Engage), and then to set objectives and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) based on those assessments. PRACE (Plan, Reach, Act, Convert, and Engage) is the methodology used. Based on the findings of this research, Sedesa Farm's present approach to social media promotion has a number of holes that need to be filled. Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for social media Instagram Sedesa Farm includes 1) Reach (Reach and followers (followers)), 2) Act (likes and comments), 3) Convert (content saved and conversation rate), 4) Engage (Content shared, on average) and is based on the following company goals: 1) Build follower conversions and brand awareness; 2) Initiate brand interactions; 3) Increase sales conversions; 4) Reach loyal consumers and initiate brand involvement.
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