Implementation of Three Dimensional Virtual Reality on Android Based At Tanwir Umsida Tower
Implementasi Tiga Dimensi Virtual Reality Pada Tower At-Tanwir Umsida Berbasis Android
In the current digital era, many technologies are being developed, one of which is virtual reality or VR technology,
VR can be used for various problems in the current era including the introduction of an item, building, etc. At the
University of Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (UMSIDA) itself, the 23 floor At-Tanwir Tower building will be built which
later have many facilities for educators, students or the community. Of course, an introduction to the current era is
needed, namely VR, with the creation of the Android based At-Tanwir VR Tower, it is hoped that it will be easy to
recognize the outdoor/indoor environment of the building and be able to introduce the building to the wider
community. Later, VR users can look around and explore outside and inside the building from the parking lot, grasses,
classrooms, auditorium, theater stage, cafeteria and the observatory room, all of which are three dimensional.
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