Knowledge Base Design for Diagnosis Pregnancy Problems

Perancangan Basis Pengetahuan untuk Diagnosa Permasalahan Gangguan Kehamilan

  • Farah Rifdah Arzumni Program Studi Teknik Infomatika, Fakultas Teknologi dan Desain, Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Asia Malang
  • Rina Dewi Indahsari Program Studi Teknik Infomatika, Fakultas Teknologi dan Desain, Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Asia Malang
Keywords: pregnancy disorder diagnosi, solution, expert system, backward chaining.


In Indonesia, the death rate of pregnant women was still very high. Lack of knowledge about the perceived symptoms during pregnancy make pregnant women regardless of the specific symptoms that can be harmful and disease records indicate the causes of indirect maternal death in pregnant.  Moreover, the risk of pregnant mother mortality is also higher due to the delay in taking the decision factors for referenced. Based on the fact, the proposed solution in the form of expert system diagnosis of diseases of pregnant women using the method of Backward Chaining that can help recognize diseases during pregnancy to take place based on the perceived symptoms of pregnant women as well as references that should be targeted by the patient. The methods of the Backward Chaining have a performance system that is capable of running the functional needs and high accuracy percentage results. With the existence of a system of experts on pregnancy problems that use the Backward Chaining method can describe the level of confidence of an expert on the problem at hand. Based on the test results, obtained results 100% functionality of disease diagnosis expert system of pregnant women worked in accordance with a list of system requirements and the system.


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How to Cite
F. R. Arzumni and R. D. Indahsari, “Knowledge Base Design for Diagnosis Pregnancy Problems”, PELS, vol. 1, no. 2, Aug. 2021.