Comparative Study of Combustible Species for 4-stroke Otto Cycle Combustion Motor and 6-stroke MUB-2 Cycle Combustion Motor with Fuel Pertamax

Studi Komparasi Kadar Combustible Species Motor Bakar 4 tak Siklus Otto dan Motor Bakar 6 tak Siklus MUB-2 Berbahanbakar Pertamax

  • Dedi Nurdiansyah Universitas Brawijaya Malang, Indonesia
  • Sudjito Soeparman Universitas Brawijaya Malang, Indonesia
  • Eko Siswanto Universitas Brawijaya Malang, Indonesia
Keywords: stroke, combustible species, combustion


This paper describes the ratio of levels of combustible species (CO, HC, CO2 and lambda) of a four-cycle otto motor with a six-stroke MUB-2 motor with additional combustion duration and two working steps. The increase in combustion duration aims to re-burn combustible species that have not been completely burned in the first combustion. This study used a 4 stroke motor with a capacity of 125 cc and then modified it into a 6 stroke motorbike with twice the duration of combustion. The observed local atmospheric conditions at a relative humidity of about 76% rH, and the ambient temperature and pressure were around 24 ° C and 101.32kPa, respectively. The implementation of data retrieval with crankshaft rotation at intervals of 600 rpm from 2400 rpm to 7200 rpm.Using an anlyser gas, the MUB-2 six-stroke engine showed 12.36% CO levels, 27.30% HC levels, 30.8 CO2 levels % and 1.7% lower lambda than conventional four-stroke engines. This means that in the 6 stroke MUB-2 motor, the combustion process of the air and fuel mixture is more perfect than the conventional 4 stroke motor.


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How to Cite
Dedi Nurdiansyah, Sudjito Soeparman, and Eko Siswanto, “Comparative Study of Combustible Species for 4-stroke Otto Cycle Combustion Motor and 6-stroke MUB-2 Cycle Combustion Motor with Fuel Pertamax”, PELS, vol. 1, no. 2, Jul. 2021.